Sunday, 22 December 2024

Fun at the Tractor Rally.

The video is done. Here are a few more pics to go with it. This Sparrows wrecker was my favourite, of course, although I love anything on wheels. The more wheels the better. 🚌🚚🚜🚙

Someone has spent a lot of time getting their tractors ready for this. Painstakingly securing the lights to as many surfaces as they can so they don't fall off during their journey.  

Even the vintage tractors were lovingly adorned with Christmas attire. 
I spoke to a young man about this one. It is his pride and joy, and is almost as old as me. He does all the mechanical repairs himself. A fantastic hobby for a young person to immerse himself in. 
The pub car park was buzzing. The event brought a lot of the locals out to chat and swap stories, over a pint or two. 
I was running to catch the start of the arrivals, so the beginning of the video is a bit rushed. 
It's been bitterly cold today. The wind was biting. Almost blew me and Billy boy off our feet. 
Let's see what tomorrow brings. We are past the shortest day thank goodness. Things can only get better.
Thanks for popping in. A very Merry Christmas to all who read my blog and watch my videos. 
Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Hi Ilona, I am a very long time reader and love coming here every day for my top of of commonsense. Love all you write about and admire the wonderful life you have created for yourself. Merry Christmas all the way from Australia.

    1. Hello Fi. I wish I was in a warm climate right now, as I type this with gloves on. I will probably never get there, I couldn't contemplate sitting in a metal box for that length of time. Thank you for popping into my little abode in England. Merry Christmas to you.

  2. Wow!!! What a great event! I loved how everyone decorated their tractors 🚜 🎄 🎅. And it looks like your village was all a buzz. This kind of thing is what lifts the Christmas spirit. Thank you SO much for sharing.

    PS my husband was very impressed with the recovery truck, it was quite impressive.

    1. Hello Tammy. The recovery truck is a Scania. Pity I couldn't get a better picture of it. I had a look at the web site for Sparrow. They advertise vacancies for trainee recovery operatives. If only I was a bit younger, I would apply. Thank you for your comment.

  3. Love all the decorations ! In the 70’s here in Texas - would love to be there enjoying the cold . Merry Christmas !!!

    1. Oh please, let's swap places for a month. I need a fix of sunshine. Merry Christmas to you too.

  4. What a wonderful parade with such creativity. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas (Oscar and Mayze too) all the best in 2025. Margaret from Canada 🤶🎄

    1. Thank you Margaret. I think the smaller events are so much more fun than being squashed and jostled by thousands of people. Small is friendly fun. The cats send you their very best wishes.

  5. Debi from Leicester.Ive not commented for a while but just to let you know,you are still the first blog I go to every day! Still reading and watching your videos.My life has changed a lot in this last year.Hubbys Alzheimers is getting worse but we just have to make the best of each day.My 91 year old Mam is housebound now but again we are trying to make her life as great as possible!.Thank you for all your videos and post They make my day and the tractors looked lovely.I wish I could have been there!.Anyway,a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year to you.Sending love and best wishes,Debi.xx

    1. Hello Debi. Good to hear from you. Your family are so lucky to have you around to take care of them. I hope you have a fandabidozi Christmas. Much love to you all. xxx

  6. Frohe Weihnachten ! Merry Christmas from Germany !
    I have recently discovered your blog and there is so much useful information. I really like the new header picture, looks very inviting.
    Schöne Grüße, Barbara

    1. Hello Barbara and welcome.
      Meine Mutter wurde in Hamburg geboren. Sie kam nach dem Krieg nach Großbritannien, um meinen englischen Vater zu heiraten. Ich habe einen Bruder, der in Bremen lebt. Ich erinnere mich an das erste Mal, als ich mit einem Boot nach Hamburg gefahren bin. Die Elbe ist sehr lang. Ich lernte meinen Onkel Henry und meinen Bruder Ingo kennen. Von meinen anderen deutschen Verwandten kannte ich nicht. Ich brauche das nicht ins Deutsche zu übersetzen, Ihr Englisch ist sehr gut. Ich betrüge. Ich kann kein Deutsch.

    2. Danke für das Deutsch, Du bist eine Landsfrau :) !
      I hope you have a pleasant Christmas Eve, for us Germans "Heiligabend" is extra special. I spend it quietly with my husband as I like it best. I have never been to Hamburg or Bremen, I live in the opposite direction in the south of Bavaria near the Austrian border.

      Dir nochmals Frohe Weihnachten !
      Schöne Grüße, Barbara


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.