Saturday, 21 December 2024

Christmas tractors have arrived.

Hello. Just a quick drop in tonight. A tractor rally passed through our village. They were scheduled to come through at 5.30pm, but they were a bit late, due to them making an extra pub stop. People had gathered to see the spectacle and we were all freezing cold by the time they did arrive. They were parked all over the place, we are quite a small village. 

I'll park these six photo's here. There will be more tomorrow, and a video to come. 

Now Mayze wants her nightly cuddle so I have to stop typing.

Thank you for popping in. Have a good Sunday. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. greetings from Elizabeth Creek Cottage, in hot old Australia, although its not to bad at the moment, we have a hot day forcast for boxing day 40 degrees celcius, so thats about 100 farenheight, so the prophets of doom have started with warning warning heat wave extreame blah blah blah, you get it good old fearmongering, anyway just wanted to wish you and the pussycats a very happy christmas and fun adventurous new year, I have loved following your blog here and over there, always interesting and thought provoking,I agree with your view of the world, some bad people pushing very bad agendas and sadly many vulnerable people falling for the climate cult and other lies, life is good here veggie garden doing nicely and I keep doing my research too, have a wonderful christmas and keep posting your beautiful photos and craft pics, regards Elizabeth

    1. Thank you Elizabeth. Your comment is music to my ears. I hope I can keep up a similar format through 2025. I hope we can drown out the doom and gloom, and make good lives for ourselves. Now passing the winter solstice, things can only get better. I hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas.

  2. Looks like a really enjoyable and uplifting event and certainly well worth braving the cold for. Have a lovely Christmas Ilona.

    1. Thank you theboatgirl. Let's make a pact. To carry on doing fun things, and looking for new adventures. Merry Christmas to you and your family.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.