Sunday, 22 December 2024

It's life.

 Good morning. I am watching the news reports of that horrific slaughter of innocent people at the Christmas Market in Germany. People are so rightly angry that it was allowed to happen. What is mentioned a lot is for people to take extra care when out and about at busy places. The 'stay safe' mantra is meaningless in these situations. There is only so much you can do to avoid the horrors that are becoming far too frequent. 

I talk about going with your gut instinct. If something doesn't feel right then it probably isn't. But how do your instincts kick in when you want to go out and enjoy yourself. Some people see no danger at all, and will happily go about their business, dealing with whatever comes their way. At the other end of the scale others will cower in fear and never experience the life they only dream about. There has to be some middle ground, between what you are comfortable with, and what you are not. 

Protecting oneself and ones family has to be at the forefront of everyone's thinking. Risk taking is personal to the individual. Some protection can be put into place, as in the case of putting up barriers for the purposes of crowd control and hopefully keeping everyone safe. But there will always be flaws in that. The wicked will find a way in, and the hapless will not see any dangers. 

It's pie in the sky to expect everyone to risk assess every situation. It's almost impossible for anyone to predict what could happen. But we live in a very volatile world, and life as we know it is constantly changing. 

I know what risks I am willing to take, and I base that on which situations I feel uncomfortable in. For me it's a case of fight or flight. Am I in the place I want to be, or should I bail out and choose a different path. My gut instincts tell me. I may not always be right, but a lot of the time I am. 

One word of warning for those who choose to take responsibility for their own lives. If you are going to go against the flow, and swim against the tide, be prepared and have a back up plan. It's much harder to find friends among those who are more likely to be part of a herd. 

My chosen way of life protects me. I have no religion. I ride out the bumps and imperfections, knowing that they won't last. I greet every day with the same optimism. What has gone before has finished, it can't be changed. A new day is a new start. Who knows what it will bring, but I am excited to find out. Bring on 2025. 

Thanks for reading my blog and watching my sometimes rubbish videos. I do my best. 

Uploading the tractor video today. It will be out later. 

Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I will always read your blog and watch your videos Ilona. Have been with you since you had 'age 59' at the top of your blog.
    Wendy (Wales)

    1. Thank you Wendy, it's good to hear from you. Yes, 59 when I first started. When I was winding down my work. When I had to have an operation then had 12 weeks off to recover, then found my job was no longer there, so I had to retire. Reaching 60, skint with no savings and still had a mortgage. Stopped spending and put money away to pay it off. It has all turned out right in the end.

  2. Hi Ilona, just love your last remark about your videos, they are not rubbish and you do so much more than your best. I personally agree with everything you write as our age group have lived through so much that the following generations will have no idea to cope with or come through, we are so lucky with our experiences whether good or bad - we have survived and will continue to do so in a positive manner. Anyway, enjoy however you decide to spend the festive season, sending very best wishes and have a brilliant 2025. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. Hello Jan. I have always been critical of my own work. Always wanting to do my best. Always trying, very rarely giving up. Except now. My brain is worn out, I couldn't face hours of editing videos. Good to hear from you, I hope you have a lovely Christmas.

  3. I love your blog Ilona I love your quirky ways your cats you photo taking lovley pictures.Also you've always given good sound advice on money saving walking car camping adventures and your crafting is have a lot of interesting things to offer us to read for surex

    1. Thank you Jo. You have always been there for me, and I appreciate that. We have travelled this road together. Let's continue shall we, into 2025 we go. Best wishes.

  4. Happy Christmas Ilona. Thanks for all your posts and lovely photos x


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