Monday, 2 December 2024

Eat out or take your own?

So what do you eat when you are out and about? For the last seven years of my driving life there was no nights out. I did either 12 hour days or 12 hour nights. I prepared food in my own kitchen and took a pack up with me. I have never been a fan of transport cafes and did not partake of truckers breakfasts, a sausage, bacon, and beans fry up. I don't drink tea, awful stuff, and if I wanted a coffee I took a flask with me. I prefer cold drinks.  
It has always been cheaper to take my own food rather than buying it out. And I still do that. These days it's not about saving money, I can afford to eat in the best restaurants. I am fussy about where my food comes from and where it is prepared. 
I took these photo's of the fast food trailers yesterday at Lincoln, and I have to say that there was nothing on their menus to tempt me. Freshly made burgers, I wonder what they put in them.  
I have no idea what this one was selling. What is a Crispy Katsu or a Japanese Miso? 

Oh no, not cuddly little lambs. 😭
Readers from other parts of the world might like to compare prices. 
Now that looks quite healthy, but I wonder what those brown crinkly strips are. 
More price comparisons. I think Golden Fries are chips. Smashed Patties must be a posh name for burgers.  
On this trailer you put in your order at the front hatch after choosing one of these. Then go round the back where the staff will construct your meal and present it to you. I wonder what's in them. I didn't ask. 
No actual food on this stand, just sweet treats. All loaded with calories and sugar. Tempting but no thanks. 
Maybe choose a pudding when you have eaten your burger and chips. This reminds me of many years ago, 55 to be precise, when I worked on Blackpool Pleasure Beach selling donuts and waffles. Our waffles had a squirt of watered down jam and a dollop of synthetic cream. They've come a long way since then. 
I sat on a picnic bench and had a chat with a young lady who was feeding her little boy with chips. I ate my cheese and pickle sandwich, and my Bakewell tart, and listened to the Carol singing. 
This morning I went to Crafty Club. This afternoon I have taken Rocky dog for a walk, but I can't get Billy out because Carol is not there. I will go tomorrow for him. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Hello Ilona I think makeing your own food is a good idea usei g your own kitchen etc.i commercially clean throuout the night several restaurant premises the floors restroom glass etc When I let myself in with a key to these places it is usually through the kitchen door.The kitchens of most look grubby unkempt greasy and it really shocks me to be honest At least at home you have full control of hygiene cost and the cooking itself I think katso is curry I'm not sure lolxx

    1. Hello Jo. I am not surprised to hear about your observations. Customers only get to see the front serving area. I think if people were allowed a tour of the kitchens the owners might be more careful about their cleaning routine. After all, customers are putting their health on the line by eating there.

  2. I usually pack a picnic as I have allergies so know what I am eating, mine are not life threatening as yet, but cannot understand people taking the risk and eating something that can kill them.

    1. There used to be something called a hygiene certificate, I don't know if anyone inspects premises any more. I haven't seen any door stickers for a long time.

  3. I understand completely, I like knowing what is in my food and if the kitchen where it is prepared in clean, or at leased the hands of the preparer. I also have a problem buying something for a price that I know I could prepare three or more meals for the same price.

    1. I see people serving food wearing blue gloves, then they take the money, cough, push their hair back, still wearing the same gloves. Yes eating out is expensive but I suppose their overheads are constantly increasing.

  4. You have to question the people preparing your food at other places. Are they making cleanliness a priority??? At home I know how my food is prepared… I have seen some questionable people walking in the back door of restaurant kitchens.

    1. For me it's all about taking control over what goes in my body. I did a day workshop for a food hygiene certificate once, and that brought it home about how important it is to know where your food is prepared.

  5. during COVID they asked us to support restaurants and restaurant workers. well, go food poisoning. was sick for 2 weeks. could only eat broth and water. not again!

    1. Well that was a bit barmy wasn't it? They told everyone to stay at home, then realised that a lot of small businesses were going to sack their staff and close through lack of trade.

    2. i am so sorry i have become so lazy. instead of watching Christmas movies on days off, i should be prepping food for lunch and dinner. at least for the days i am working on the road or must be inside an office. it would probably help me live longer too

  6. I occasionally eat out but will check a place out first. I'm vegetarian and mostly vegan and prefer food I've made myself. I don't like street food which is what many younger people seem to want these days. I also don't like the idea of plant based meat because it's basically processed food. I tried some fake bacon once and it was disgusting.

    1. Even the look of street food puts me off. Who knows what animal the meat comes from. It is indistinguishable when shredded and mixed with some gooooey sauce. Quorn is the only pretend meat I eat. I tried a few of the new ones, no thanks, they were horrible.

  7. I don't trust the kitchen staff to wash their hands etc - I prefer to own food x


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.