Sunday, 1 December 2024

Lincolnshire Food and Gifts Fair

There are plenty of food and gift fairs on at the moment in the run up to Christmas. Today I went to the Lincolnshire Showground. It was very busy. There are two exhibition halls, Exo Centre and Epic Centre. There were 150 traders selling their wares. The area between the two halls was covered by a massive tent with fast food traders on both sides, and seating in the middle. I took a few photos. Don't you just love all the colours. 

I didn't buy any beer this time. I can get it from a local micro brewery. 

Plenty of nicknacks to choose from.  
This lady makes candles, lampshades, and bags. 
I bought some strawberries from these two lovely ladies. I have never heard of Dyson Farming before. I didn't know James Dyson is involved with food production. Check out the story behind growing strawberries out of season under glass. 
Many different kinds of gin on offer. Not for me, I don't like gin, but very colourful.
I had a chat with my new friend Monika who I first met two weeks ago at a previous Craft Show. She makes some beautiful Macrame art pieces. 
I arrived back home just as it was getting dark. Smashing afternoon out. I'll post the food pics on tomorrow. 
Thanks to those walkers who have checked in. You are doing really well, far better than me. 
Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I love the artwork you have at the top of your home page, Ilona. How did you create the multicoloured background? Did you dye it? H

    1. It is scraps of fabric hand stitched together into a patchwork, with more stitching on top.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.