Thursday, 14 April 2011

A crafty night out.

Someone is going to be very angry with me, :o( I came out of the Art Centre at Caistor tonight, and realised I hadn't taken one photograph. I think part of my brain is dead. Some photographs were taken and I have been assured that copies will be sent, so I hope I will have some to post.

The truth is, it was a manic night, and I completely forgot the camera in my bag. I took loads of things to demonstrate, show, play with, and once the knitting needles came out there was no stopping them. About fifteen ladies sat round a big table, all chatting merrily away,and playing with all the stuff I took.

There was making yarn out of plastic bags, knitting video tape, and crochet around the drinks can squares. I showed the key ring fobs made out of vinyl and gave away four kits to make them. The zips which you sew together to make a purse and gave kits to take home and make them. The necklaces made out of a fabric tube filled with glass marbles, five ladies took bags of marbles home to make their own.

We played with making tea light holders from drinks cans, and fusing plastic bags. Everyone was so enthusiastic to learn something. I think they will look at their rubbish in a completely different light from now on, and think before throwing stuff in the bin. Anyway, they have lots of ideas for future workshops.

I had a text message from Sue tonight. The cat we took in today is micro chipped and the owners have been located. They have been looking for her, put posters up, and are very pleased that they are getting her back. So another happy ending for Burton cat Rescue.

Did someone mention Super Scrimpers? Well I am getting a phone call from Jo, a researcher for the programme, tomorrow morning, to discuss my money saving tips and if they want to include me. So you never know, watch this space. Goodnight.


  1. Sounds like you may have some new friends/followers! So long as when they have made all the stuff they need for themselves, they donate the rest to the charity LOL! That would be some extra income for the cats.

    Have a great weekend.

    Sandie xx

  2. Sounds like a grand night was had by all!
    Regarding 'Super Scrimpers' - to be honest I've been watching and thought you'd already be on there! If they don't choose you Ilona there's no justice in the world ;o)

  3. If they do get you on Super Scrimpers we may actaully learn how to save a bit of money and reuse recycle and revamp. At the moment it strikes me as a very half-hearted and rushed through show.

    I still can't get over the 'nettle pasta'!!

    Sue xx

  4. That sounded like an awful lot of fun. If you had access to a video camera, you could learn how to make videos and post them on youtube. I have a friend who is a teacher and has made a series of phonics videos. He did it without any thought of generating money - just for the benefit of his class. Anyway, he got so many hits youtube contacted him and now he makes so much per hit. The last time i spoke to him he was getting about £17 per day!!!!

  5. If you go on Superscrimpers it may actually be worth watching!

  6. How exciting. I do hope you get to be on Supercrimpers - my goodness, you could teach the women featured on there now a thing or two.

  7. You have got to get on Superscrimpers. You could breathe some life into that programme with your creativeness. It's so fuddy duddy at the moment.

    Linda xx

  8. totally agree about superscrimpers. it is just not sexy. they need to appeal to a wider age range.

    a few years ago i remember a programme that was only about 10 mins long - it was called something like 'tips of the trade' and showed how to take care of what you had.

    that was better

  9. Sounds like a lovely night teaching your crafty tricks...hope those women go on to recycle and reuse even more...

    Now you've inspired me to get off my butt and find a spot to teach rug hooking...a great way to recycle wool clothing and blankets...

  10. Sounds like an excellent evening.

    Any more news on the Scotland trip?

    Sft x

  11. Just tell this Sue that you wrote the book ! WISH I had been at your class.
    Oh, fabric softener; I dont use any of that.


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