Anyone mind if I have a quick moan, I know I said I don't do moaning, but this is about an article in the Daily Fail. No I didn't hit the wrong key, note the letter 'F' is no where near the letter 'M' on the keyboard. The Daily Mail Fails miserably in it's attempts to become a newspaper, don't know why I read it really.
I suspect this article is in other newspapers as well, so maybe I should excuse the Fail of printing a non story, and blame the Office for National Statistics for announcing the increase in numbers of people living alone. But it's the tone of the article I don't like, so I suppose that's the fault of the journalist who wrote it.
Ok, so it says, quote 'Figures suggest that, for many, sexual freedom and serial relationships have ended in a life with no relationships'. Well thank God for that, because I can't be bothered any more ;o) Been there, done that, end of, ha ha.
quote 'By 2010 the number of 45 to 64's living on their own went up by 31 per cent, no other group had so many isolated people'. What are they on about, who's isolated? Do they think we are sad unsociable people with no near neighbours, who stay in bed all day?
quote 'Increasing numbers of women who have delayed having families for the sake of careers and mortgages, are missing out'. What! I can't think of anything that I have missed out on. In fact I can think of a whole list of reasons why it has been an advantage for me to be childless. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I am happy with my lot.
The headline for this wonderful piece of journalism? quote 'Revealed, the 2million baby boomers who are facing a lonely old age'. Lonely old age my backside, I don't think so sunshine. You want to get out there and ask some of us poor sad lonely souls how often we cry into our pillows at night, while sprawled across a king sized bed, snuggled under a cosy duvet with no one sticking their cold feet into our backs. Bet you don't find many.
Oh, bye the way, the film crew arrive on Tuesday. Yep, I'm going for it. This sad old biddy is going to have some fun, ha ha.
14 minutes ago
I look forward to seeing this poor old spinster again!!! Hahahaha!
ReplyDeleteAnything less than ......... why does the general public think people are lacking without a hoard of kids, lots of relations etc. You can do what you like, go where you like, eat what you like and spend your carefully scrimped dosh on what you like! As for lonely - well you have friends, good neighbours and dogs and cats. What more do you want?
Go for it gal - I'm sure you will let us know when we can see you on the box!
wow - you#re really going on superscrimpers?
ReplyDeletePlease post when it is on! I can't get it on my computer over here but will be in the Uk in May...and can get my son to record the episodes after...maybe they will bring it to the US....
ReplyDeleteI think you have a great life and know where your priorities are!
Go for it me dear, looking forward to the fall out :o)
ReplyDeleteI think its great you are happy with who you are life is for living and I see from your blog your life is very full. A tv star as well
ReplyDeleteOOO really super scrimpers!!! fab..
ReplyDeleteYes the daily fail is so full of turd and tosh!!! Thed purpose of life of course is to find a man and reproduce!!! Without we must all be horrib ly depressed/............... yawn yawn yawn snore Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Excellent news that you're going to be on Superscrimpers, can't wait to see you the telly again.
ReplyDeleteChildren, no thanks - most of the time they're a right old pain in the proverbials (as are men, but don't tell my partner I said so!!)
Being single and/or childless is a problem only if you wish it were otherwise. A dear friend of mine always said, "It's better to miss the bus all together than to catch the wrong one." And go for a walk instead. Mind you, both she and I are happily married to our lovely husbands, having found a bus worth catching!
ReplyDeleteThe Daily Hate is full of bull. According to them all women are either too fat, too thin, too old, shouldn't have IVF, shouldn't have loads of kids, shouldn't have no kids, shouldn't have careeers. We must all worship celebs and be 1950s housewives, that had 2.4 children when we were in our 20s. Bunch of w**kers, they contradict their own bile most of the time too, ooh I'll just jump back down off my soapbox :)
ReplyDeleteTwiggy x
PS Can't wait to see you on the telly :)
ReplyDeleteTwiggy x
looking forward to seeing you on tv, please let us know when it will be. i think that the DM just pay someone to make up these ridiculous stories! x
ReplyDeleteThese statements are so judgmental. Why do people find it necessary to pigeon-hole everyone, cant we all do our own thing, walk our own path in life and cheer everyone else on at the same time instead of making narrow-minded statements about others.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more with you. I don't know why newpapers and also other people always feel the need to push others into a life they think we should be having. Although I have a partner, I'm very independent (go on hols on my own when he can't make it, doing Kili on my own) and I have no intention of having kids either, yet I am treated like a social leppar because I don't want to conform to the 2.4 children/housewife ideal! If you are happy then that's the most important thing! :-)
ReplyDeleteHelloooo! My first comment (yup I can hear the bells and sirens!). Hubby and me married for 28yrs have no children. People ask are we childess...we reply "no, child free'. People make the statement (as we have 13 rescue cats) that we have cats because we do not have kids....are they kidding...even in my right mind I would never have had 13 kids!!!!
ReplyDeleteLove your blog.
Jane x ( a future childless, old aged, saddo!)
There ARE more people living alone these days because women are no longer forced to stay in unhappy marriages and divorce leaves 2 people living separately. If the alternative is conjugal misery then a peaceful single life is MUCH the better option. The Mail just puts an anti-women slant on basic stats - but then if you WILL read the Mail Ilona...........:O)
ReplyDeleteI have completely stopped buying newspapers due to the journalistic twaddle that they're full of. The only thing they are good for is lining the chicken house and starting the fire (and I get my Dad's old papers for that. We watch the news on tv, at least that way we can just turn it off when it gets too far fetched. Sometimes just the headlines are enough to keep us up to date.
ReplyDeleteI do find myself occasionally grabbed by a ridiculous headline though and sit on my hands and knees reading things in the chicken house, usually at least three months out of date!!
I look forward to seeing you on Super Scrimpers, at last I might get some useful tips, (although, sorry I can't bring myself to wear 'boys pants'.....Lol).
Sue xx
Haven`t bought any newspapers for years. There is never anything worth reading, so I conccluded that it`s a waste of money, too.
ReplyDeleteAnd as I`m not in the habit of wasting my money....the freebe papers that get stuck through the letterbox end up in the recycling bin or get used as liners for the cat litter box.
Let`s hope they treat you with respect and show you in your true colours on telly. You and your examplary life style sure deserve to have that.
Another classic post Ilona!
ReplyDeleteMr Sft and I are very similar to Tinyholder and Jane & Chris, very happy being child free. Have so much choice in life and how could we travel with kids?
Sft x