Thursday, 7 April 2011

Day 3 of Lincolnshire walkabout

A few more photo's from Lincolnshire. Twas a dull morning when I set off, this poor fella looks a bit bedraggled, looks like he has been out all night, ha ha. The crop seems to be growing nicely so I suppose he is doing his scarey job.

In the village of Witham on the Hill, the footpath went around the perimeter of this garden, it had a stream running through it. Can you see a pair of eyes watching me?

In the centre of the village are these stocks. There is a little bench seat behind them so the unfortunate person who has been caught doing something they shouldn't, can sit with their arms and legs fastened down, and get pelted with eggs or rotten cabbages, or whatever they threw at them. I would love to see this form of punishment brought back, highly entertaining on a Saturday afternoon.

This looks like an old fashioned school house, it didn't have a sign outside, but there was activity inside. Such a pretty building, love the windows. The church is behind it.

An old plough, at the entrance to a pub which had been converted into a house.

Here is Pickworth Church.

Now this was a bit strange. A small wood enclosed by a wire fence, with pathways around it and through it which have been covered with white powder. I can only think that it might be something to do with rearing pheasants, for so called sport. I hope I'm wrong, I'd like to take a shotgun to those big horrible men who blast the beautiful birds out of the skies. Take that, you brute!

Now it's raining so it's brolly up. The road between Pickworth and Little Bytham goes over this lake, at Mill Farm. This is one side.

The Farm next to the road bridge.

And the other side.

It's a bit too miserable to hang around so I headed back, arriving at 7.30pm, having covered 18.77 miles.

I've started planning my next trip which will be the biggy, next month. I'll be starting off at Edinburgh on 11th May, then possibly Perth, then across to Oban and Mull. More details as they emerge, but if anyone wants to meet up let me know.


  1. What a pleasant village it looks. I'm with you about bringing back the stocks, hehe! It would do some people good I think!

    I've never visited lincolnshire but it looks like it's got plenty of nice walks and such!

  2. If you want to stop off in Haddington on your way up the A1, we will be very pleased to see you.

    Its a very historic town, quite a bit on the internet about it. Lovely walks by the river and fantasic countryside round us.

  3. Can`t wait for you to bring back pics from that big trip! Sounds a great adventure.

  4. Your next trip sounds really exciting. I love Youth Hostels too so always curious when you go. Went to Thurlby last year and Lake Windermere too a few years ago.
    You prove, what I believe that you can still has lots of fun and amazing times on a budget!

    sft x

  5. I think this set of photos is my favourite out of all those you have shown. I did smile at the stocks, it was so considerate that they put a roof over them to save people getting rained on whilst being pelted with rotten fruit LOL

  6. Oh No I have just realised we are away on holiday 9th - 13th. Any chance you caould call in on your way back??????

  7. That's a shame silversewer. I haven't got as far as working out the coming back bit yet. I'll have to let you know later.

  8. Lovely photos - and so jealous of your trip to Scotland - hope you have a great time.


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