Thursday, 7 April 2011

More hard work in the garden

Goodness gracious, that's another one out, look at the roots on it. This time it's in the front garden, the snow saw it off, dead as a dodo. So tomorrow I've got to dig over the ground, and as the gap in the hedge is now quite wide, I need to plant two more to fill it. I have some in pots which will do just nicely. My wheelie bin is now full, so I will cut the bush up into small pieces and put it in my neighbours bin. He doesn't mind, he never uses it.

I've just read my Youth Hostel Newsletter, and see there is a special offer that someone may be interested in. Introduce a friend and they can get a great discount. Their membership for the year will cost just £5 for an individual, or £10 for joint/family membership. As a member you get cheaper beds, £3 less than a non member would pay.

If anyone wants to take up this offer ring 0800 0191 700 and quote the code YHANEWS. They may ask for details of the friend who told you about the offer. Quote my membership number 018-6737277.


  1. Must be all the spinach you eat :-D

  2. Thanks for that I'm really thinking of joining. I'll let you know how I get on.


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