Friday, 15 April 2011

Photo's of a crafty night

A big thank you to Charlotte for sending me these photo's from last night.


  1. I've had a busy couple of days so I am playing catch up tonight. I am glad you are going on Superscrimpers, at last someone who knows what they are talking about.
    The pictures of your craft night are great. It looks as if a good night was had by all. I think the necklace is particularly nice. It would make a great gift.

  2. Eh wish I could have been there, it looks like everyone was having a great time:) Well done Ilona, so talented♥ Hopefully we may get to see Superscrimpers one day, perhaps in 5 years grrrr......

  3. Everything looked great, looked like a huge success. I have seen the necklace idea done by someone in America, a girl who was on Martha Stewart's programme. She used wooden ball things. Could use those for moth repellent and keep them in a drawer, two jobs at the same time.

    Manchester Lass, couldn't someone record a DVD of the programme that Ilona is on, have you no relations over here. I can't do it as I can't guarantee being in and more often than not watch things on Catch up.

  4. The evening looked fantastic Ilona!


    Sft x

  5. What a great looking evening! I would love to have a go at turning a drinks can into that fantastic decoration. How is that done?


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