Saturday, 2 April 2011

My can't be bothered to cook, cheapo lunch

Here it is, my ten minutes, no messing lunch. Take two of these (8 in a box, 3 boxes for £1) A sprinkle of this.......

And a couple of splodges of this......

Chop up two small onions and three good sized mushrooms. Cook in a little oil and a dash of fruit juice. Add a bit of the spice mix.

Chuck in a couple of handfulls of spinach (14p a bag) stir in for 30 seconds.

Transfer mix to here and roll up......

Spread on some of the sauce......

Microwave for four minutes and eat. Cost? About 20p


  1. That is real frugality - I am impressed !

  2. ooh that looks lovely, where did you buy the wraps so cheap?

  3. Hi Kath. We are lucky enough here to have a market stall and a cash and carry, (same company) which buys in close to out of date stock. You have to look closely at the dates on every item. A lot of it is what I call junk food, crisps, biscuits, cake, pop, sweets, and nibbles. But a thorough search can unearth some real bargains, and a lot are well known brands.

  4. I like spicy food but never sure what to serve others to drink with it. I like beer, sparking wines or pop to accompany it.

    Here's a beauty that I'll be making soon:

    Suits my wallet, might suit your purse too.


  5. well, yum! I recently discovered tortilla pizzas...super easy and delish. now you have me wondering just what else I should be doing with tortillas. thanks!

  6. That looks delicious! Thanks! ~Liz

  7. Nice looking quicky lunch. I like these kind of meals, too.

  8. Gee that just looks delicious... I don't know if I can find the wraps as cheap here though; I will have to check that out. I haven't had breakfast yet and it's making me hungry :)

  9. Look's delicious!!great photos as usual!!thank you,and so healthy,love it!!

  10. For anyone that would like a cheaper version for a wrap, just substitute with homemmade pancakes. They can be made slightly thicker and make perfectly good wraps.


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