Monday, 4 April 2011

Up the creek without a paddle

Hi peeps. Guess what has happened, my computer is up the creek, only temporarily thank goodness untill the lovely Mark comes on Wednesday to give it a thorough going over. I had a feeling this might happen, there are a lot of viruses about, and it seems I have picked up a few. Mark will sort it for me, in the meantime I have come into town for a free 30 minutes at the library.

It was all going so well this morning as well. I rang the RAC after receiving their letter telling me my anual subscription is due shortly and they will remove the money from my bank. They have been doing this for 25 years, and a couple of times I have had to ring them when the cost has gone up. This time they want an extra £20, what £20 flippin quid, not on your nellie. After the young man took my details and confirmed it was me, he got my details on the screen. I said they had given me a free At Home service a year ago, does this mean I have now got to pay for it! He said, 'Ah, I see you have been a member since 1986, this means I can offer you the same cover as you had last year at the same price'. Thank you very much says I. Well if you don't ask you don't get. I reckon there will be a lot of people getting rid of their cars, and those that are still driving will be shopping around for their rescue packages, they cannot afford to lose a long standing customer.

I wash my hair more often than I wash my body, and the chore is usually done with my head hanging over the sink. I boil one and a half kettles of water, this is enough to wash and rinse, so when I have finished I have a bowl of cleanish warm water. This morning the kitchen floor needed washing, I don't have a mop and bucket, and I don't buy fancy cleaning liquids or powders. I much prefer the old fashioned method of getting down on my hands and knees with an old rag and giving it some elbow grease. If my face is close to the ground so I can see all the specks of dirt that need to be removed. You could eat a meal off my kitchen floor, that's untill the cats and dogs come paddling through.

I'll maybe pop back tomorrow for another free half hour, and if Mark isn't too shy on Wednesday, I'll take a photo of him so you can see how lovely he is. I am going to be lost tonight with no computer, will try and keep busy with other things. Toodle pip,


  1. My computer has nt gone out yet but just the very thought puts me in a panic. I actually dont know what I did for info etc. before I got a computer.It is no 1 in my life and I would give up the car the telephone the telly, holidays...............the list goes on.
    (We get a hour free at our library - then you have to get off - they dont accept payment for any longer.)

  2. What a wonderful facility at the library.

    I hope your computer gets sorted out soon, I am very lucky because Mr sft lives and breathes computers (and fixes them part-time)....just as well I'd be hopeless!

    Sorry to be a pain but which YHA did you visit recently, I couldn't seem to find out which one it was.

    sft x

  3. I'm very glad to say that I have my computer back after it was fixed FOR FREE! OK, they have had a few quid for a previous problem that didn't quite do it, but still... DH says they culd easily hhave stung us. Fortunately, he has a computer too! I had a similar problem with the AA and did the same as you.

  4. hope the computer is fixed soon.

  5. It's great to have 30 or 60 minutes free at the library. When I would visit my mom I would have to go to the library and use the ocmputer since they don't have internet cafes in her city. First they offered 30 free on the computer and when the new library was built it was extended to 60 minutes which is much better! Good thing you keep a good watch on your bills. I try but sometimes miss.

  6. I get my car insurance from NFU Mutual- it isn't on any comparison sites, so you are not paying for that! you can do it online or over the phone, or best of all deal with a Human Bean at your local NFU office!!!!(and I saved £80 pa)
    When my breakdown cover (ETA) arrived, I checked my car insurance....and found that I had the bsic 'get you to a garage' included already, and it was only £19 to upgrade to a 'get you home' variety.....per year!

  7. Hope your compter is fixed soon. My netbook screen keeps playing up lately and I'm hoping it doesn't give up the ghost as I use it for all my writing as well as surfing the net. My daughter's one is currently held together with masking tape but works fine. If mine needs taping I don't care what it looks like as long as I can use it.

  8. Hope your computer is up and running again soon. I would be so lost without mine:( xxx

  9. we us to buy our RAC/AA/Green flag. it gives you cashback without lowering the cover

  10. if you ever make it by Kentucky, do NOT attempt to eat anything off my floor. not even with the 5 second rule. boy, do I hate housecleaning. having said that, I do keep my house clean...clean enough, that is!

  11. My computer is somewhat important, even if I only limit myself to an hour or so per day. All my photos are stored on it and I would go mad if any of it got lost. I really should put them on some discs, I guess. Just never seem to get round to it.

  12. For Sarina who commented above... Back up Back up Back up! Having lost everything in the past this is now my mantra. Hope your comp is fixed soon Ilona - we have all become addicted to your blog. Guess in absence of the computer you might be sewing..? Cant wait to see the results. :-)


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