Friday, 21 September 2012

Day 3. Sandbach to Congleton

My umbrella has been up and down like a fiddlers elbow today. It was raining when I left Sandbach this morning, and it was raining when I finished at Congleton tonight. Surprisingly though I managed to stay dry apart from my feet and mud splattered legs, ha ha. Here I am ready for the off, just about to leave The Wheatsheaf.  
Compared to other hotels of a similar price (£40), I wouldn't say this was great, it was adequate. No soap/shower gel in the bathroom. Breakfast was basic, no cereals or fruit juice, no jam/marmalade. I had two eggs, two mushrooms, one tomato, two slices of toast, and a spoonfull of beans, plus a cup of coffee.  
Twenty minutes after leaving the hotel I was back to the canal to continue my journey. Here I am going over the M6 motorway half a mile south of Sandbach Services. Headlights on, the spray is severely limiting visibility. I'm glad I'm not down there.  
Here is one narrowboat owner trying to be self sufficient. Herbs, tomatoes, and salad leaves are growing in pots on the roof.  
Look at this sweet little nautical theme summer house someone has built in their back garden, overlooking the canal. A lovely place to sit, if it isn't raining. It's like a posh shed, I could live in that.  
On I plodded in the rain. I decided to come off the canal and walk on the road for a while, maybe my boots wouldn't get wet so quickly. Then I got back on again at Rode Heath and followed it through to the Red Bull junction where one canal goes over the top of the other. Here I turned left towards Congleton. 
This is Ramsden Hall, a lovely stately home on the opposite side. A bit further along there was a stile and a footpath to Little Moreton Hall. I was hoping to go and see it, but the path was like a mud bath, and a notice said there would be a charge at the entrance to the drive as it is a National Trust property. Oh dear, I don't think I'll bother.  
Most canal bridges go straight across from one side to the other. This is a bit different, a snailly bridge. They built them like this so that the horse could go over the top when the tow path changed from one side to the other.  
I made the decision to finish a bit earlier tonight, because if I had gone on for another couple of hours and headed off into Derbyshire, there was a good chance I would not be able to find anywhere to stay. Best to be sure, I don't want to be walking in the dark. I popped into the Tourist Information office in Congleton and they found me a bed in The Bulls Head. The room is nice, soap and gel in the bathroom, We'll see what the breakfast is like tomorrow. I don't think the landlord was best chuffed when I requested breakfast at 8am. He has a disco tonight so he won't be getting to bed very early. Ooops.     
Coffee anyone? 
It's looking like it might be Buxton tomorrow night, it is forecast to be sunny, yipeee, it will be great.


  1. Sorry you had a wet day. Sometimes, when it's very wet I put plastic bread bags over my socks and then put my shoes on . They can get a bit sweaty and smelly but keep warm. More nice photos , thanks.
    Brenda in the Boro

  2. I love the pictures of the salad growing on the narrowboat and the lovely bridge - I have never seen a bridge before like that, but it does make sense when you read about it! Hope you have a good day's walking tomorrow x

  3. The photo of the bridge is really interesting. I love it. It's not the kind of thing on a regular tourist trap. I follow your blog regularly but don't always comment. I know the areas you are writind abot. Hope today was better in weather than yesterday. We used to do that plastic bag trick with the boys when they were little to keep the snow off their feet and their feet dry. This was up in Canada.

  4. I love the bridge, never seen one like that before. Looks like you have a nice comfy night ahead hope the blister is not causing you any problems.

  5. That bridge is amazing, I have never seen one before. You know I love canal barges so thanks for the photos.
    I'd like a peek inside the nautical hut,it looks lovely and cosy.
    Jane x

  6. Loved the bridge! Hope you manage to sleep in spite of the disco! This room looks cozy!

  7. Interesting bridge. Most of the bridges I walked under after I turned back yesterday were completely inaccessible from the towpath. they started the other side of the hedge.

  8. Are you still following the canals? I'm not far off the macclesfield to Manchester canal, I'd love to meet you :-)

  9. That is an enterprising Narrowboat owner with the garden on the roof. I hope your feet are still in good condition.

  10. Love the snaily bridge and little nautical hut !!
    Twiggy x

  11. I'm not a fan of canal walks either, I think they're very dull! I haven't heard of the Snailly bridge but that's close to me so I'll have to explore that area!

  12. I love that snaily bridge, I've never seen one before.

  13. Love the garden on the roof of the narrow boat. Everything seems to be growing well. I would be surprised if the odd person walking by helps themselves to the odd cherry tomato hehe.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.