Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Skip diving again

Hello. It's been a scorcher here for the last couple of days. I've finally managed to put away the leggings for the summer, and ditch the bed socks, ha ha. 
I lost my red union jack sun shade last week, must have dropped it somewhere in town. Very sad, I liked that one. But not to worry, I made another one. This was given to me as a cap, it was a very strange affair, lots of folded fabric which made it billow out like a balloon. Unpick the stitching and remove the band around the back. Then cut out the top. Fold the headband over at the front and put some stiffener inside it. 
The two ends join at the side instead of the back. I was going to put some velcro on it, but found a small brooch fastener and added some small fabric flower petals. Looks quite neat, and spring like. My eyes can't tolerate sunshine, they are quite sensitive, so this is the perfect solution.

I didn't have much luck with the map searching yesterday. The library didn't have the sheets that I need so I looked in WH Smiths, they didn't have them either. I went to the post office in town, it's next to the bus station, but the queues were very long. I decided not to wait.

Later on after I got home I decided to take my rotten garden rubbish to the council dump. Don't worry Dave, I spread a plastic sheet out in the back of the car first. I also went to the post office while I was there, it's in the same village. There was a queue there as well, but not as long as earlier. It's going to be a flippin pain now that our own village post office has closed. Anyway, I made the most of the situation, going to several places in the same journey. I popped in at Tesco and the Spar shop as I was passing, and was lucky, I found some reduced bargains.

The following pictures are some of the things I recovered out of a skip today. I asked permission and was told to take what I wanted, someone down the road was having a de clutter. I find it hard to walk on by and see useful stuff being thrown out, I have to rescue it, ha ha. Thus making more work for myself. These things will be given away, some to the Age Uk Charity shop, and I'll ask around for the rest. Nothing wrong with this fold up chair.

54 new plain white tiles.

Peg bag with wooden clothes pegs.
Two pans with lids. Perfectly fine, no burnt food on them.

Lots and lots of new nails.

Assorted hardware, shelf brackets, screws, coat hooks and a big bolt for a gate. 
Three gigantic dust sheets. Looks like they have only been used once, only one or two slight marks on them. Could get a lot of dish cloths out of those. Only joking, I haven't got time to faff around with that.

I went to the hospital today to get my hearing aid seen to. It needs a new tube and they have a drop in session on a Wednesday morning. Oh dear, lots of people waiting. I got a ticket, number 35, then they called out 17. Chuffin heck, I didn't have time to wait, it was looking like it could take an hour or so, so I left. It's not too urgent, it can wait. While I was over that side of town I called in at the big Go Outdoors shop and bought a couple of maps. Kath mentioned that the web site I usually use for printing off maps is closed. I am looking for an alternative Kath, I've put a call out on the Walking Forum. Some suggestions have been mentioned, I need to check them out. I will also look through the maps I already have.

My train ticket is for Southport, I shall be walking back across the country to home. The route is not set in stone, but as a rough idea, Chorley, Darwin, Rawtenstall, Bacup, Todmorden, Hebden Bridge, Halifax, Huddersfield, Barnsley, Doncaster, Thorne.

I've just been nattering on the phone for half an hour, I must press the publish button and get on. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Toodle pip


  1. Wow you do have some great finds, I can't believe what people throw out x

  2. You are so good rescueing those bits. Your sun visor turned out great.

  3. I love the looks of your new visor. I'm also very sensitive to the sun, so always wear sunglasses and a hat. My grandson's baseball games are killers sitting in the sun. Great finds on you trip.

  4. Great haul! I love Southport and have lots of fond childhood memories of the place. One thing I remember is how far the tide went out. You'd walk for miles to get to the sea.

  5. I live in Southport :) Lovely place

  6. can't belive what was binned! wasteful!

  7. Loving the sun hat, very bright and cheerful and the little stool thing looks very useful. I'm not sure I would be brave enough to go skip diving I do admire you for being so brave and the pans look really great.

  8. Oooh....another trip!
    I'll pack my virtual bag.
    Jane x

  9. I often get exhausted reading your blog. I think I do a lot in a day but you fair put me to shame and I'm worried I'll not have enough time in the day when I get to!

  10. love the cheery new are the Queen of Making Do...great finds in the skip...Rocky looks quite pleased hanging out with the laundry...I often place large things at the end of my driveway with a FREE sign next to them...anything not taken by nightfall is put away...normally there is nothing rehoming my clutter...

  11. I can't believe all those great things that were thrown out.

  12. Congratulations for recycling these items. With a little extra effort and less cost, the person with the skip could have donated them to charities themselves. It astounds me that in a world of finite resources and excessive rubbish and pollution that individuals don't take responsibility for reducing their waste and helping others whenever possible.

  13. You rescued a lot of good items from the skip. It's terrible what people throw away. What a pretty clothes peg bag and those pans look really nice.

    That is sad about the Post Office. What will people in your village do if they don't have cars? I hope that they are still going to try to find a new home for it.

    Good luck finding some good maps.

  14. Longtime reader, never commented. Looking forward to piccies of Southport - I worked there in Tulketh Street at the side of the rail station for many many years. Be a while before I get there again as I now live in Tasmania! Love your blog and admire your thriftiness, inventiveness and sheer ingenuity - keep on keeping it real.

  15. I popped away my winter woollies yesterday too! May have been too soon. Woken up to a really hard frost down here this morning.x

  16. Thank goodness you found that skip and rescued all those useable items.
    The photo looks as if Rocky has just finished hanging the laundry out...haha. What a charming chap he is.
    Hope you find the right maps soon, as I can't wait for you to be off on another great walking adventure.

  17. The sun shade is so useful in summer. I use one all the time. You are very skillful making one in no time.
    It looks like a very big adventure walking all the way back. How many kilometers are you going to walk?y

  18. Just been to Barnsley, had a gorgeous walk around cannon hall museum and grounds. I have family in huddersfiledcand visit there often-looking forward to seeing where you visit and stay. Great sun visor too! Xxxx

  19. Enjoy your trip. Todmorden is a great place -a good market and some interesting craft shops. I think you would like the incredible edible project too. You can walk all the way to Hebden Bridge on the canal tow path and you will see some interesting boat communities on the way. Thre is a great hostel in Hebden Bridge although for a dorm bed you need your own sleeping bag. Kristel.

  20. Love the new sunvisor!
    Amazing isn't it what some folk throw away?!
    That little chair will come in handy for someone and the nails!

  21. It's ridiculous what people throw out isn't it. Lovely Hubby would never throw nails and DIY fittings away ... "they will always come in useful one day" ... to quote him.

  22. Great cap, I love it and wonderful skip finds, all very useful. If you are passing through Huddersfield I would love to meet up with you to say hello. I think you have my email. Debbie. x

  23. I love the look of the hardware and nails, they would cost you a tidy amount in the shop.
    Is that little Rocky sitting in the garden, he's looking a bit tubbier that last time I saw him, or is it just fur?

  24. Wow! Nice haul of goodies there saved from landfill! It's a good thing you were in the right place at the right time :)

  25. Hi Ilona, have been away from the computer for several days and am catching up now.Revamping the hat to visor turned out very nice and looks good.Fantastic finds from the bin and very useful,good for you!Rocky is such a beautiful boy,and looks well cared for and look at those daffodils! Regards, D.

  26. Glad you're looking after your new car, i never doubted that you wouldn't put a sheet in to protect it from the rubbish. I usually end up scratching the trim or ripping the headlining.
    We went to Southport on Easter sunday but as we got near it was going dull and there was mist on the fields. In Southport there was thick fog and it was freezing but we still had a walk down the beach.
    You could walk the Leeds Liverpool canal from Chorley to Burnley and then theres another canal from Todmorden through to Halifax (just a suggestion).
    Good luck with your walk whatever route you take.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.