Monday, 6 April 2015

The good life at Tightwad Towers

Hello. Hasn't it been glorious today. The weather forecasters got it wrong, no snow here. Only five of us at the Crafty Club this morning. Twas quite pleasant, I actually got to join in some of the conversations. I don't get a look in when a dozen people are all yacking ten to the dozen, with three or four smaller conversations are going on at the same time, ha ha. 
I am playing around with the small Kenwood processor, it's very handy to be able to chop up small portions. Yesterday I did some vegetables, it only takes a few seconds to turn them into crumbs. My idea was to cut down on the cooking time by softening them in this microwaveable steamer and eat them. I gave them three minutes, but the taste was a bit bland, so I ended up transferring it to a saucepan with the water, adding a few spices, bringing it to the boil for a couple of minutes, and eating it as soup. It was very nice. Chopping things up small is a good way of saving on the gas as it cooks a lot quicker. 
I used it again today, chopping my vegetables very small and eating them raw. I put in carrots, half a leek, three brussels sprouts, cauliflower plus leaves, spring onions, and added some already blitzed seeds and a bit of grated cheese. Can't get much healthier than that.

This is a favourite place for a spot of afternoon sun bathing, back leg dangling over the edge onto the radiator, which isn't switched on of course.

Heidi cat is hiding behind the net curtain.

What am I doing here? Why am I scrubbing  old plastic compost bags? Cleaning them with rain water I may add. These are all opened out for use in covering the raised beds in the winter. The beds are being opened up now so they are not needed for that job any more. But they might come in useful for something else. 
It's a great drying day, ha ha.

 I've been doing a bit more clearance work today. Greenhouse gone, now I need to get the slabs up.  I could do with some more for the base of the summerhouse, must ask around and keep my eye on skips. None on Freecycle and Freegle. Just had a thought, I've got some in another part of the garden, I'll have a count up and see if I have enough.

It's going in this corner which is behind the garage, when I have gathered enough materials. Beyond that green mesh is the neighbours garden which is a bit of a mess. A bit like mine, ha ha. He said he is going to put a fence up between us but I don't know when that will happen. Perhaps he is fed up of looking at my mess.

That's all for tonight. I've got two bags to parcel up for posting tomorrow. Must go to town in the morning, pay council tax, borrow some maps from the library, buy some ink for the printer, and buy a rail ticket.
Toodle pip


  1. You are a master planner, as far as waste not, want not.

  2. where is the ticket for. are you going off on a long trip. We will be in Hull about 2 June to get the ferry across to Holland. Will you be way then?

    1. Hi. It's for Southport, another coast to coast. I will be back in plenty of time to meet you in Hull.

    2. that's great Ilona. So looking forward to seeing you again. We will be in Clitheroe on the early May BH weekend and probably spend some time in Chorley on the Friday.

    3. great. looking forward to seeing you again

  3. Hi Ilona, I really like your idea of chopping the veges in the food processor. Do you chop them first before blitzing them ? I'm going to be making lots of soup now winter is on its way here. Thanks for your great advice.
    AussieCheryl : )

    1. Hi. I cut them small enough to fit into the bowl, that's all.

  4. That second photo looks esp. appealing to me!

  5. I save feed sacks for all sorts of things. I remember not too many years ago, when feed sacks could be returned the mills for re-use! Now it's mostly plastic that just gets thrown out. At least I get some use out of the material, as you do.

  6. Hello.Look at how green your grass is!Good job clearing out the old in your yard and making way for the new change.Your neighbours mesh fence would not hold up to our curious and nose driven mini schnauzer.Upon moving here and her first great escape we have nailed boards as skirting to the picket fence surrounding our backyard.Such a little monkey! What comes naturally to you,collecting rainwater and washing and hanging the bags on the line reinforces the three R's,and is a great idea.I usually like my veggies chunky, but gosh, that dinner plate looks very delicious,I lost my lovage plant and hope to replace it here.Was thinking that flavour would be good with those veggies.Bye for now, D.

  7. Love your title for today's are rally doing a great job of chopping the veggies in the processor. Made some turkey noodle soup yesterday after the crowd cleared.

  8. I've been wondering about Heidi cat. It looks like she is doing well. Is she all better?

    1. Hi Barbara, yes fully better. No marks on her pretty little face. She is still kitten like, maybe about two years old now, she's very playful and very affectionate.

    2. I'm glad to hear that she is all better. She is a sweetie.

  9. Love the pictures of your cats sleeping and playing hide and seek. Had to smile at what's hung on the line to dry.

  10. Oh yay! Another walking tour for us to enjoy. Can't wait.

    When I retire, I think I'll have to spend a few years in England doing some walking trips. As that is unlikely to happen (living in England, not retiring), I will live through you.

  11. Your garden is looking well cared for, all praise to you.
    I wouldn't always cut veggies very small....we need to chew for 20 minutes for our brain to think we've eaten sufficient and it also stimulates saliva to aid digestion - but cutting them smaller to cook is a good idea

  12. I'm back blogging. Come on over:
    Your friend, FM x

  13. I noticed Maptasm has closed down. I found that so handy. What will you use now?

  14. Good idea to use the old compost bags.
    Can't wait for your new adventure! Don't forget to get as many pics as possible.

  15. I like the way you reuse your compost bags. They are so useful and strong for many jobs. Glad Heidi is better. Debbie


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.