Sunday, 5 April 2015

The construction continues

Hello. After a dull start to the day, it's now glorious sunshine. I've been out in the garden and had to take a few layers off I am that hot. Thank you all for your vote of confidence on yesterdays post. If elected I will endeavour to serve my blog community to the best of my ability. Amen and awomen. 
Not much to report today, a few pictures of a work in progress. I'm beginning to enjoy it a bit more now that the hard slog is done. Don't expect everything to be in proportion, I am not constructing an architectural plan with accurate measurements, as long as it's pleasing to the eye, my eye, that's all I am bothered about. 

The little houses are cut out of the edge of the thick rubber backed shopping bag fabric. They are stuck on with bondaweb type hemming tape. The roofs are painted with nail varnish.
These trees are a plastic fat ball bag, scrunched up.

Still lots more to do on it. Stick around and watch it develop. I'm off back outside, too nice to be in.
Enjoy your Bank Holiday Monday. Toodle pip.


  1. It looks great Ilona! This I my favourite so far of your creations - love it!

  2. Starting to look like a Grandma Moses picture, only in fibers, not paint. Looking good. Ranee (MN)

  3. oh my gosh it is beautiful, you are an amazing artist and this is a brilliant medium!!

  4. Very nice! You have such a great eye!

  5. Your artwork is quite lovely! Very creative! I came across your blog a few weeks ago and now I have read all the way back to the beginning! Love your joy for life.

    1. Hello and welcome. Glad to have your company.

  6. Love it! I love to read your blog. It shows that simple living can be the best.

  7. Hmm... I was thinking more David Hockney-ish

  8. Your picture is coming along marvellously and you have very clever ideas of how to create your different textures!!

  9. Really enjoying watching this one develop, Ilona!

  10. I agree, this is the best so far! I love that you tell us what you used to create it! JanF

  11. Hi.It's a beautiful thing your creating and am enjoying the progress you make and share in photos.Your a clever,talented lady.Am glad your enjoying good weather there and being outside.Thankyou,bye for now,D.

  12. Absolutely the best you have done yet! Has to be exhibited! Can't wait to see the whole thing! You are one clever lady!

  13. I found your blog today and I'm enjoying it so much that I'm reading it backwards. I like this picure that you made and the one with the fabric before. You amaze me with all of your walking and I ejoyed all of the photos. I hope to retire in the next year or so and I'm trying to start living more simply now. I'll keep reading and it's on my bucket list to travel around the UK as that is where my family originally came from. Thanks for being such a good blogger.

    1. Hello Judy. Thank you for such a nice comment, I appreciate your kind words. Pleased you like the blog because I like writing it. Best wishes, Ilona


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