Tuesday, 1 September 2015

A very useful hippy bag

Hello, as promised, the latest bag. It's a sort of multi purpose, patchwork type colourful hippy bag. It's got loads of room and can be used as a work bag, with the option of picking a few items up at the supermarket on the way home. It could be a beach bag, or a day out bag, or an overnight bag. It's strong and sturdy, some machine stitching and mostly hand stitching. 
The handles are attached onto the outside with cross stitch, and are long enough to go over the shoulder. 

It's quite thick, each side has four layers, an inside and an outside and two layers of hessian in the middle. 
The back is just one piece of colourful fabric. I love the vibrancy of this, and I have plenty more left.

This close up pic makes it look slightly pink, but it is more red, as above.

The lining is plain red cotton.

I'm chuffed with it. It was a bit of an experiment after I did the book cover in a similar style, I wanted to make something bigger.

Kitty news....a pregnant mum came into the rescue and she has given birth to three adorable kittens. Mum is grey short haired and so are the kittens. She lived before with an elderly gentleman who went into care and the family couldn't take her in.

A letter has arrived from the NHS, my poo test is clear, says she heaving a sigh of relief  :o))  Dentist annual check up tomorrow, wish me luck. There will be extra scrubbing and flossing of teeth tonight and tomorrow morning.

The car is booked in for it's MOT. If anyone is looking for a cheapie place to take their car, check out the Halfords Autocentre web site. An MOT costs £30 if you book online. They also do deals on servicing as well. Worth a look if you don't already have your own local reliable garage services.

The sun has come out and I am off outside for an hour or two, so I'll say tatty byes and toodle pip. Catch you soon.


  1. Gorgeous bag, I love the colours, the stitching, everything about it, and you look great too!

  2. must say , wasn't sure about this one.....but its turned out really well. So colourful. What a a lot of hand stitching! I think all the cross stitches really make it. A job well done.

  3. Love the bag, and good luck with the dentist tomorrow. Enjoy the afternoon in the sun xx

  4. What a cheery, colourful bag that is!! Love your creativity!!

  5. Very jolly, happy bag - just like its owner.
    Well done in the results. My husband received the same letter today so ok for another 2 years. They are very quick with their results. Must be a production line at the lab. Good luck with the dentist. Hate dentists but make myself go twice a year.

  6. Very nice bag. And with the colors it will go with about anything! Love it!

  7. I LOVE the bag. Its gorgeous and would have cost a fortune to buy new. You inspired me to make a bag last year but haven't made one since. Kids are back tomorrow I think I might have a sewing day! Glad your test was OK. Debbie.

  8. That bag is gorgeous - and beautifully modelled, too!
    Pleased to hear that you've passed with fling colours. Please show us a photo of the kittens and their mother when you get a chance. x

    1. Hi Vix. Will give it a week or two, the kittens are still very young and mum is very nervous.

  9. Great bag. It looks very intricate and exclusive. Wowee to the colours.

  10. what a lovely bag and the hand stitching really sets it off.

  11. The bag is great! Practical and gorgeous. Glad the poo test came back ok; it's my year off this year, but had the boob-squashing scan instead - also all clear, and the bruises have gone now! Hope the dentist trip goes ok, it's a lovely feeling when everything that can be checked has been, like a good MOT on the car! (Though our repairs are hopefully cheaper, given the lovely NHS. Whatever their faults I stand up for them!)

  12. Lovely bag, very colorful. Best of luck with all of your check ups...

  13. Gorgeous bag and that back fabric is great, the cross stitch really sets it off. Good news on the test, mine was clear as well. I would love a cat but Ben will not have one in the house, he has leaned to tolerate the visitor cat in the yard but that is it.

  14. Hi.That's a very nice selfie with your finished bag.It's vibrant and big and appealing ,especially like the stiching done by you.Just luverly!You accomplish so much,Ilona.It's inspiring.Congrats on the test and am glad all is well with you.Hope the kittens and their Mum find the good home they deserve sooner rather than later.Bye for now,D.

  15. Adore the bag it's so very you bright cheerful and handy. Glad all clear on the test too fingers crossed for dentist and mot.

  16. 'Hippy Bag' is the right word for it. Looks a bit psychedelic, lol. It suits you very well!

  17. your bag is amazing, I love it! love the material on the back too. I've only recently had a go at bag making and am enjoying it. my last one was made from two Christmas tea towels from our local 'Home Bargains' shop. it's turned out quite well and made me realise tea towel are now another source of fabric!! Linda J

    1. Hi.Good idea to use tea towels, just make sure they are cheap ones from a car boot sale or a charity shop ;o)

  18. I love, love, love the bag! Really pretty and the cross stitches add so much.

  19. Hippy Happy Bag! Grand work and you enjoyed the process too! JanF

  20. The bag is beautiful and all your hand stitching is perfectly lovely. I love the colours . Glad all is good with your health tests.

  21. I laugh at myself spending extra time cleaning my teeth before I go for my 6 monthly clean and check up. The hygienist is going to do a far better job than me.

    I keep seeing wonderful bags around the net, and plan to make something some time soon. Yours looks really good, so bright and fun.


    1. Hello Helen. I never see a hygienist, are you sure you really need to do that, or are they just making money from you?

      Yes, make a bag, it's good fun.

    2. It's free on the dental health insurance. You won't get to see the dentist until your teeth are cleaned up so that he can see properly.

    3. I see. Insurance here is optional. My dentist has never told me I need to see the hygienist, I don't pay insurance.

  22. Another beautiful bag! I call it Bohemian. xx

  23. Very nice bag! Love all the hand sewing! I'm working on a patchwork quilt, right now, but you've inspired me to make a bag, next.

  24. I would call it a Happy Bag, since its colors and patterns are very cheerful. You did well creating it.

  25. Gorgeous bag, I'd buy one in an instant if I saw a similar one for sale. Funny how all our tests come all at once. In the last couple of months I've had diabetes review, optician, dentist and also MOT is due on car. Good news on your own test results. (Mrs LH)

  26. Love the bag. How did you come by Rocky, is he a rescue. I have three dogs (one rescued breeder) and love the way you care for Rocky. Enjoying your blog, thanks. Jan B.

    1. Hi, his owners wanted to rehome him, so I offered.

  27. I'm always envious of your cross stitch. The bag is very nice. Natalie

  28. Amazing bag! good news about the test results too- so important to have these things done.

  29. You are SO clever.. love the bright colours and the functionality of your bag. The hand stitching is brilliant..... you have inspired me to have a go at that. I am one of those rather impatient people (machine sewing and want it done yesterday!!) so taking time to make something look so gorgeous will be good for me!!! Cheers.

  30. Love your boho bag. Brilliant idea.


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