Tuesday, 31 May 2016

An ugly chair transformed

Hello. I was up early this morning, so I think I might be going to bed early tonight. I'll try and stay awake while I do this. I've had this chair a very long time, I can't remember where I got it from, I have another one the same. As I already had a tin of red paint open, to paint the vase, I thought what else can I paint. I know, this chair is in the Summer House, I think it needs a makeover. Yesterday it was warm enough to work on it outside on the garden table, so I gave it one coat.  
Today it was windy and cold so I finished it off on the dining room table. I have re covered the seat with a piece of fabric I got at the Scrapstore. The splodges of red paint on it are in the pattern, so it matches the chair. I'm really pleased with the result, it looks fab in the flesh. I think I might do the other chair in a different colour.

The bin men came today, and my garden waste bin didn't get emptied. They stick a label on it to say why. 
This is where the machine on the back of the lorry grabs it to lift it up. I first noticed a while back that the lip had started to break up and rang the council to let them know. They said it will be alright, ring up when the bin falls into the lorry and we'll deliver a new one. Well it has happened now so I shall expect a new one in a few days. I hope they take the old one away with the rubbish, and don't expect me to transfer it into the new bin. 

I took the car to the garage today for a service, and went a walk around the town while they were doing it. I wanted some garlic powder from the Asian shop so I took a walk up to the top of the High Street. There is a Scope charity shop on the way, and I was surprised to see big posters in the window, 'Everything £1', worth a look. I found a jacket and a fleecy top, the jacket was £4 and the top was £3. Two items for £2, a bargain.

The jacket looks very smart and fits perfectly, I'm amazed I can get into a size 10. The fleece is bigger and will be worn in the house over layers.

I'm not walking tonight, it's blowing and cold, and I'm tired, so I'm off to bed. I will announce the winner of the bag in the morning after 10am when the competition closes.

Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip


  1. You look really stylish in the black jacket, Ilona. What a great buy!!

  2. Your chair looks very cheerful, just right for the summerhouse. What great finds at the charity shop.

  3. Great chair makeover, and with things you already had which is always a plus. Love your new coat and fleece - the coat looks great on you!

  4. love the black jacket it looks great on you. The chair looks lovely too All the best x

  5. That old chair is lovely now! Your jacket and fleece are amazing buys. Considering the weather, you'll probably get a lot of good out of them even before autumn.

  6. The chair looks great. I like the idea of chairs painted different colors.

    Your new black jacket is very stylish. What a good find for £1.

  7. The chair is lovely and colourful now. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the other one. Great finds at the charity shop. I find the ones near me are quite expensive so have stopped browsing. My mileage total at the end of May is 381. I'm disappointed I can never manage to catch up. You're doing really well keeping on track. X

  8. The chair looks lovely, and the jacket fits perfectly and could very well be from an expensive shop.
    And I walked 118 miles in May!

  9. Love what you have done with the chair. It looks so different. My dad has two chairs just like yours, before the make over.

  10. Jacket looks a treat, and does fit you perfect. Of course the other will be cozy on chilly days.

    you did very well at that price. I too shop the Second Hand, and the discount days there, but have seldom scored such good deals (close though).

    That chair is lovely.
    I wonder, sometimes if you ever considered a second career as a designer for others? So often I look at your products/designs, and think there are many who would love your services.

  11. Love the chair! A splash of color is always a good thing!

  12. I love your chair and the black jacket looks very stylish. I never seem to have any luck for clothes in charity shops but I do keep looking. I don't think I have the eye.

  13. Love the jacket. Looks very trendy :) Bargainous! Louise. PS. Will you do another word game? Not even for a prize, just for fun :)

    1. Hi Ilona. I agree with Anonymous. Would love another word game (no prizes). Jacket looks great on you.

  14. I love your chair--beautiful


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.