Wednesday, 1 June 2016

WINNER. Chuffin heck, at last.

Hello It was an almost impossible task, to ask you to guess the magic word, but in the last few hours, 23.49 on the 31st to be precise, someone did indeed get it right. So step forward BrendaR. In your frustrations you wrote the word CHUFFIN, which was chuffin right.

Yep, it is definitely it, Jenny. I'll eat my chuffin' hat if it isn't it :-)
Ilona, it's it isn't it?

I asked for the magic word, it could have been anywhere in the comment. 

BrendaR please tell me your postal address in a comment and I won't publish it,  and which colour preference, pick one from the picture, blue, red, green, and I will send it. 

As you have all tried so hard, I will have the normal prize draw and pick a name out of a hat. So come back later to find out who it is. Thank you all for joining in the fun of it.

Catch you later. Toodle pip


  1. Hi, Ilona!
    I forgot to send in my mileage yesterday. (I'm back to working the Summer job this month.) Please put me down for 64.5 Thank you!

  2. Well done Brenda. I am chuffin jealous! Lol.

  3. Chuffin heck - a winner at last - well done BrendaR :)

  4. Hurray Chuffing Cingratulatiibs Brenda.

  5. Brenda's a bag lady - chuffing good show! Natalie

  6. Congratulations to Brenda - what fun that was! Sue

  7. I never chuffin well thought of that!

  8. Can you explain how this is the magic word please?

    1. It was a random word I had in my head. I didn't write it down, I just remembered it.

  9. Well done BrendaR - enjoy your prize.

    Ilona: That was chuffin' good fun! I think that saying is peculiar to your part of the country. At least I never heard it growing up in Suffolk.

  10. Well blow me down with a feather…I've only gone and won!! I'm so bloomin' chuffed; I'm having a good old chuckle to myself. Ilona, you've got a great sense of humour and a brilliant blog.
    After I was made redundant a year ago, I was in a bit of a sorry state and I discovered your blog by googling 'frugal lifestyle' and 'saving money' etc...! Your original outlook on life has given me inspiration, some great money saving and textile art ideas and a good many laughs and for that, I thank you.
    Luckily, I've now got another job with much less pay but a lot more time off :-) What a shame supermarkets only mark down their yellow stickers by about 30% where I live.
    Would it be possible to receive one of your blue bags at the bottom left of your photo? If not, then any bag would be great. Thank you so much Ilona.
    PS. Now then, you other ladies...don’t be too chuffin jealous ;-)

    1. Thank you Brenda. I will post your chosen bag out on Monday, when our pop up Post Office visits the village.

  11. Hey Ilona, thank you very much for my very useful 'Ilona bag', it's great.
    Today, I posted you a little present that I hope you might like. You can't eat it, you can't drink it, you can't really sew with it as such...and you can't plant it in the garden.
    But you could plant yourself in the garden with it and think about sewing with it.
    So what the chuffin hell is it... ;-) BrendaR


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