Thursday, 2 June 2016

The Walled Garden is ready for showing

Hello. At last, just about finished. All I have to do is sew the backing on, I am using denim for that. So, this started life as a piece of wire mesh with one inch squares. I cut it off a roll I bought at Poundland in the gardening section. I had a lot of strips of felt which I got from the Scrapstore, £2 for a big bag, so I cut lengths one inch wide and wove it through the mesh, keeping it flat. At that stage I could see a wall garden emerging. I layered some needle felting over it to blur the edges and added curly green wool to it. All the flowers are stitched on with beads added. I'll leave you to scroll through the pictures. Click on one to see a bigger version, then scroll through them. 

The measurements are 24" x 23". You can still see some of the mesh but that's fine, I hadn't intended to hide it. I am pleased with it, this is just how I see a walled garden in my mind.

I have other ideas buzzing around in my head for the next project, but I'm not going to rush into something. The house is a mess because I have spent a lot of time making this, so I need to tidy up a bit. Going to be busy next week as well.

I'm off for a walk. No doubt someone will stop me to talk, I am in the local newspaper today, big feature, three photographs. This new story is from a telephone interview I did on Tuesday, I must say, she has made a good job of it, very well written. I think it's only in the paper version, can't find it on the web site.

Quick reminder for the walking group to send in your mileages, either total, or just for May. I have shortened the list on the walking page because some people haven't sent me any updates, so I am assuming they didn't get started, or are doing their own thing. Those that I have heard nothing from have been removed. The rest of you are doing pretty well so keep it up, only another month to go and we are half way through the challenge.

I am still waiting for an address from BrendaR. Lilly's Mum, your bag is in the post.

Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Beautiful. Another colourful masterpiece.

    Joan (Wales)

  2. Really lovely. Natalie

  3. Stunning! I love the colours and I bet you had fun doing it. It looks good with the colours of your fireplace.

  4. this is definitely your best picture. Absolutely gorgeous!

  5. Stunning piece of work, you really could sell it in a craft shop. You are very talented

  6. Stunning, love the close ups. A lot of work but a lovely result and now you can sit back and enjoy it with a sense of achievement and pride.

  7. Your picture is absolutely beautiful, so talented! I would never have the patience to make anything like that, but I can appreciate yours.

  8. I love it, so colourful and a very clever idea. You are a talented lady :-)

  9. What a wonderful project Ilona. Are you fingers sore after all that felting? It looks perfect over the fireplace and will be a real talking point. Now for the cleaning - boring but it has to be done every now and then..

  10. Ilona,your walled garden's fantastic!!!!!!! love tracey from huddersfield.

  11. that is amazing, beautiful,, well done!!
    you are a real talent you are, fabric art is always something I admire,, the color is amazing but its more than that, its the texture, the denominational aspect of the art,,
    really beautiful,,

  12. Fabulous! JanF

  13. So much work has gone into to your lovely wall hanging. You must be very pleased with it and I am sure it will bring you a lot of pleasure when the weather is dull and dreary.

  14. It looks beautiful Ilona:)

  15. This is my favourite of all your pieces. It's Beautiful!

  16. That is stunning Ilona. I especially love the way the felting technique (is that what you used?) on the bricks gives them a weathered texture. I also really appreciate the individual beading, especially on the clump of grass on the bottom right. And the climbing vines really balance the composition. You must feel very satisfied on a job well done. I know I would feel so happy to see those cheerful flowers every day. Thanks so much for sharing!

  17. Beautiful! Great talent and very artistic.

  18. The wait was definitely worth it. I love all of the textures - the felting and stitching and the beading etc. Beautiful job. Look forward to seeing your next project. Thank you for sharing. Ranee (MN) USA

  19. Just gorgeous. I love all the detail. Above your fireplace is the perfect spot for it.

  20. How wonderful - you have such a creative mind and such a sense of colour - just love it.

  21. Very nice and very creative too!

  22. This is so beautiful! In this case, art really beats nature - at least when I compare your picture to my garden. And it goes perfectly with your fireplace, too.

  23. Ilona, your walled garden is beautiful! It looks amazing from a distance, but is even more fascinating up close! What fabulous detail! You should be very proud. It has a strong sense of balance in the colour work, and there is a sense of serendipity about it; somewhat like a true patchwork quilt that is made up entirely of fabric remnants, rather than purchasing new fabric for the job. I love your work. Mary Jane in Canada.

  24. Oh, it is lovely. Those colours!
    J x

  25. Wow! The picture is beautiful. You are very artistic.

  26. Oh my Ilona I wish I had a walled garden like this, it really is beautiful and so many different types of flowers, is there any bees buzzing in there?

    Ilona woukd you mind very much if I forwarded it on to our County Craft Chair Lady at WI I know she would be most interested.

    Have a good weekend.
    Hazel c uk

  27. Hi dear Ilona. This is such a lovely piece of art you have created. It's stunning with the design and the depth you've made by layering the materials. You are an amazing artist! I'm so excited to receive my bag. Thanks again! Hugs, Pat

  28. That is so beautiful. I'm a bit blown away. xx

  29. This is my favourite of all your work that I have seen! It's just like an indoor garden!

  30. You are very clever. The colours and details will bring sunshine into your room everyday.

  31. How amazing is that! I am very envious of your skill as although I can often see what I want to make in my head, it doesn't seem to come out of my fingers.

  32. That is so pretty! An indoor garden to enjoy all year round! Over your fireplace-of-many-colours it looks great.
    Margaret P

  33. so beautiful Ilona and fascinating to see the detail in the close ups. enjoy your walk, onlyjo

  34. that is so lovely - bright and cheery just what we need on these dull cold June days. It should be summer but it isnt really.

  35. Stunning !! A true work of art ! xxx

  36. I do enjoy your creativity and talent! This one is a beauty, very well done!

  37. OMG, everyone else has already said it and taken my words. I'll say them anyway: beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, surprising.

  38. Well that is chuffin gorgeous x

  39. Beautiful work - you have so much patience. Kristel

  40. You need an exhibit!
    Maybe sometime could you have a cat peeking out from behind something in one of your scenes?

  41. I didn't have time to comment this morning so i came back to tell you that this is your best, yet! It's beautiful! You have quite the eye and it shows! Just lovely!

  42. Beautiful textural art and very impressive use of materials. It should be shown in a proper artist setting like a gallery. Once you have a couple more pieces, perhaps you should think about an exhibition?

  43. Oh Ilona.. that is stunning. You have really inspired me this morning (you do most mornings) I feel a similar project simmering at the back of my brain.

  44. OMG! This.Is.Beautiful.

  45. Ilona,the color,composition,flow and execution of this piece is beautiful! Please stop referring to yourself as a crafter- you are an artist!


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