Thursday, 12 January 2017

Bums on softer seats

Hello. Two hours in the sweatshop and six cushions are finished. I will drop them into the church on Monday on my way to Crafty Club. Someone might recognize the fabric. Thank you blogger Brenda from the Boro, as you can see your donation makes very nice cushion covers. 

I found an easier way to shred the stuffing. Dear Rocky's brush does a better job than my fingers.

No snow yet, but it's raining now. Bugsy went off his food again, but is now back on it. He has just scoffed some tuna fish. He seems to like the spring water variety better.

I have a picture ready for framing. I had a frame in mind and made the picture a bit bigger, but after laying the glass on it and putting the frame on top, I will lose a lot of it around the edges. That would be a shame, so now I have to find a bigger frame or make one. I have some glass, I'm now going to look in my wood stash to see if I have anything suitable.

Barbara asked how am I getting on with my shampoo experiment. I've had 23 washes so far from a 440 mil bottle of Aldi shampoo costing 35p. I an not half way down the bottle yet, so it's looking like I will get around 50 from it. I'll let you know when it's finished.

Things to do. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. glad to see you have found a use for it. well done. its cold here but no rain or snow yet. have managed to start sewing again but no bike riding for a few weeks more says the physio / still I am getting more movement

    1. Hi. By the time you are ready to start biking the weather should be getting a lot better.

  2. Well done re the cushions, they look very cheerful and comfy. It's cold here in the Midlands but no dreaded snow yet (it looks pretty but a horror to drive in as for some reason our council rarely clear or grit the roads). I tried washing my hair with conditioner instead of shampoo (to use up unwanted gifts etc) and it works; I now alternate between the two: job done. Amanda

    1. Hi. Glad you like the conditioner idea. I used all mine up ages ago and haven't bought any since.

    2. its driving me nuts not being able to cycle but at least I can sew again and I am going to ease myself back into work next week. slowly does it

  3. Your cushions look great, it's just show what you can do with bit of imagination, lovely colours, well done!

  4. Oh they're lovely and the punk in me says ' all hail the tartan fabric'.

  5. They look glorious. Natalie

  6. Very nice (and innovative re use). Am certain folks will much appreciate your work/thoughtfulness.

    Don't know if you do much "kneeling" for prayers in your church (some do), but if so, some "kneelers" might be another appreciated project. Lots of folks have knee troubles, and might be grateful of such.

    1. Hi. I don't know if they kneel, I don't go to services. The kneelers I have seen in other churches are always like thick blocks of foam covered in embroidered heavy fabric. It would be too time consuming to do that.

    2. Kneelers in my church are beautifully embroidered, many hours have gone in to the pattern and design; it is a skill. I do appreciate the work that has gone in to it. Unfortunately not many attend the church - but that's another story... Amanda

  7. The cushions looking good. Good that you made something with the good looking fabric. Think, the church people will love it. We had snow on Tuesday , followed by rain. So, there is no snow to be seen. But it is cold.

  8. Lovely cushions which I'm sure will be appreciated. Love how you manage to reuse things. Hope Bugsy continues to eat. Kristel

  9. Lovely cushions in a very nice fabric. I love tartan.

    Thanks for the update on your shampoo. That is great. I'm going to count my shampoos when I start a new bottle which will be soon.

  10. Those cushions will fit into the church decor lovely - very classic. I hope the church is good to you too. I remember on the 'long hair community' there was a thread about diluting shampoo (tiny squirt in a jug of water) pouring it over the hair and then a quick rinse. Some swore this method stopped their hair drying out as well as saving money.

  11. Ooh I didn't know that there was a long hair community. Mine is long (but not as long as it has been) - Boudicca comes to mind. My hair is not washed in the winter (or if it is, very rarely). Natalie


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