Sunday, 11 June 2017

A new porch for the Summerhouse

Hello. It's been a nice day, sunny but a tad windy, so I've been out in the garden. The Summerhouse is getting a new look. I have four spare doors, someone offered them to me last year, they will come in handy I thought. So, I have a pallet, haven't I always got a pallet, I can't resist picking them up when I see them lying around. 
I've screwed the pallet to the side of building, and screwed a door onto that. I had to remove some of the brick patio and the bricks from the corner of the raised bed, to squeeze it into the gap. I could do with another pair of hands to keep things steady as I screw them together, but the bungee elastic will have to do instead. 
The back view. I don't paint this side because it's close to the hedge and can't be seen. It's also a hidey hole for tubs and plastic boxes. That hard wood door was difficult to drill into with a hand drill.

On the other side there are three more spare doors to use. I am repainting that side, and repainting the back of the garage. I shall paint over the beach scene, I'm not doing that again.

 That's all fixed together nicely, it's pretty solid. The gap is closed with a piece of wood. I have a spare piece of polycarbonate roof which I would like to use to cover the porch, but I have to find a way to support it on the other end. I might add another door like this one so the roof can be attached at both ends. I'll have a think about it. I have another pallet but it is not really big enough.

I am thinking of opening it up for the Open Gardens event in two weeks time. I missed the deadline for getting on the list, through my dithering about, but I have plenty of time to tell everyone it will be open.

I am now going to lounge in the bath for half an hour. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. That will be lovely Ilona when it's finished.I've got a sitting area I call a gazebo(really a car porch style.)The plastic roof blew off in the winter,it's still off.It was 30 years old though.I wonder if you could make a large wooden triangle bracket to fix the roof onto x

  2. Oh,i think your beach painting is brilliant!!,Ive got a beach area in my garden but im not clever enough to be able to paint a scene like that on the fence!,I would like to put a shed on it and paint it candy stripe to make it into a beach hut....but hubby says no cause it would block out the sun on our seating wondering if this is grounds for a divorce,Lol,Debi,Leic,x

  3. You could just paint your fence in stripes on bottom corner Debi,and put some of that twiggy roll on top for a roof and just grow a climber on the open side for a shelter x

    1. What a brilliant idea, love it !!

  4. I have a brick area similar to yours and my husband suggested alternating the way the bricks are laid to make a pattern. I did this and feel it looks much neater.You put two bricks length ways and then two bricks width way and so on.It makes for a smoother look and more like a patio. Just a thought as sometimes it's good to pass on ideas.

  5. I wasn't sure if I had explained what I meant by the simple brick pattern I used in my garden so I googled it. It's called basket weave if you wanted to look it up. It's difficult to explain without a picture. Hope this is helpful.

    1. Similar to a basket weave knitting pattern Carol. Knit four, purl four for four rows then purl four, knit four for four rows, a simple classic pattern used mainly for squares for a blanket. Simple but effective.

      Joan (Wales)

    2. I haven't knitted since my boys were babies and I am a grandmother now but that brings back memories. I remember knitting a baby outfit (trousers, jacket and hat in blue) with that pattern and I liked it because it was simple to do but effective.

  6. I'm constantly amazed that you do all this work with a hand drill!

  7. I like seeing the building work on your lovely summerhouse. And I agree there is always a use for any discarded pallets. Sarah (Cornwall)

  8. fab job! how on earth you come up with these inventive ideas is beyond me - really like what you've done with the door.

  9. well done - another brilliant upcycle

  10. People would love to see it in the open gardens scheme. Natalie

  11. You really should have people round during the open gardens scheme. Folk would love to see the famous shed off the tele :-)


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.