Saturday, 10 June 2017

Fantasy or real?

Hello. What do you reckon? Does long hair suit me? I have always wanted long hair, and now I have. You can get anything you want from a car boot sale. New hair, only £2. 
Or should I stick to the real me. Speccy, home cut and dyed hair. Silk blouse, ex charity, shop has been in my wardrobe for 25 years, I love it.

Hope you are enjoying your Saturday, I'm bopping away with Owain on BBC Radio York. The rain has stopped so it's out into the garden for me. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.


  1. You are gorgeous just the way you are.

  2. Love the long hair! Great for a change - go Ilona go!

  3. Stick with the short hair I think; love the colourful shirt. It's awful weather here, blustery and cold. Amanda

  4. You look gorgeous in both pics. Honestly, Ilona, you look so young and shiny and positively brimming with and happiness. You'd make a mint if you could bottle yourself!

  5. I love the blouse, too and the change of hair is fun. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  6. You do look younger Ilona.Last year I bought a wig ,but paid a lot more for it.I got a blonde one.I went to a charity dog show in it.I have carefully trimmed mine.You may like it a bit shorter but if you did you would have to take care .I put baby talc on mine and shook it and it did look quite natural.One lady I know said I looked like Joanna Lumley in it- I wish I did.She then tried it on.I love mine ,but don't wear it often .Or you could colour your hair a different colour-I think you would suit a blonde just for a change x

    1. Oddly, Flis, I was just thinking that Ilona would make a gorgeous blonde! I've only worn a wig once: when I was playing Cleopatra in a school play.

  7. I love the short hair and your blouse is very pretty. Just had 6 hours with like minded friends patchwork and quilting - brilliant day.
    Hazel c uk

  8. I've always wanted long hair. I get it so long then I get it cut because it drives me mad!

  9. Oddly enough, the long hair makes your face look longer. Your normal look suits you much better. I love your look in the second photo and the blouse is lovely. I too have some favourite items in my wardrobe which I have had about twenty years.

  10. I prefer you with your own hair. Long hair drags your face down.. I was told this by my hairdresser who talked me into a short crop. I love it.

  11. Much better with your real hair; however the specless look lets us see your beautiful blue eyes !

  12. Wigs are very fashionable at the moment - expensive too. I wonder why you bought it..I bet you are going to a fancy dress party. ;)

    1. I bought it for a larf.

    2. I am so used to seeing you buy things and turn into something else my imagination was running wild. Haha.

  13. You look great with the wig but your own look is fab. Ive only ever worn a wig once, it was a dress up day at work, and good heavens it made my head sweat and itch so much I took it off after an hour! Xxxx

  14. got to try new things so good for you!raining non stop since last night here in south wales so indoors knitting.

  15. I've just seen the gardener Carol Klein on tv-I think a blonde crop would suit you too Ilona.It's choppy and roughly styled-I think you could achieve similar yourself x

  16. I think the wig makes you look pale and older, it's a bit too dark as you have very fair skin. I like the hair color that you have had all along, a sort of medium reddish blonde/auburn. The second picture with your own hair looks lovely. The real you is the prettiest.

  17. p.s. I think if you want long hair let your own hair grow.

  18. Well,i think long hair suits you,but the colour looks too dark...why dont you just grow your own hair!Because the colour of your own hair really suits you!Debi,Leic,x

  19. It's the colour that's wrong, way too dark for your face and age- but I think it's terrific fun that you bought it. I wonder how you would look with a lighter colour and somewhat shorted (but longer than your present cut). You will have to check with your special stylist!

    1. My special stylist is me, I'll ask her ;o)

    2. Yes, I knew that!!!

  20. A wig! What fun! Why not! Get a whole collection if you want. Cher, Dolly Parton are just two of them, off the top of my head, who wear them to change their look to suit the mood and costume they are wearing.

  21. Forgot to mention my Frugal things today!,Well,i got a free posh shower gel sample that a shop was giving out,I found 20p....although i had to share that with my sister cause we both spotted it at the same time and i rugby tackled her to the ground for it,Lol.I also collected loads of free cones that had fallen from the tree in the park to put away for Christmas decor.I gave over 100 brand new pencil cases,that my daughter bought for a market stall once,to my animal charity shop..along with some clothes aswell.......But on the why out of there,i spotted a Zatchels bag,which is real leather and around the 100 pound mark bought new.It was in great condition and 2 pound 50p.So i just had to buy it and i love it!,Hope you have all had a lovely day!,Debi,Leic,x

  22. I like the way you are, so natural and pretty. The long hair does make your face appear rather long. Nice blouse.

  23. Just goes to show Debi,that your generosity and support to the animals has sent you a small thank you gift, as in a great bargain x

    1. Hi Flis!,I had made up my mind not to spend today!....But i have always wanted a satchel,like i had at school,for a handbag....and when i spotted this one...well,i was in love!!Lol,It will be used for alot of years!,Debi,Leic,x

  24. Oh heck, just not you!
    Beautiful day here in Suffolk, hope your day was good too.

  25. Much prefer the real you..... and if ever you tire of the beautiful blouse I can offer it a loving home

  26. Prefer you with short hair, Ilona. Love the blouse! Susan (wife of Edward).

  27. "Love you just the way you are". However think the wig is fab for dressing up. xx

    1. Yes, great fun and Ilona is playful with a wonderful sense of humour.

  28. I think the longer hair makes you look older and none of us want that! Love the blouse and back yard. Have a beautiful weekend!

  29. Ooh I like the wig. I sport long hair so I was bound to like it. Natalie

  30. with the longer hair, you look like an aging hippie. Hope you don't mind my plain speaking.

    1. Brenda, you've hurt my feelings. I thought I looked dead sexy ;o(

  31. Well missy, I think you look great as you are, perfect in fact! Kudos to your hair stylist :) If you're going to have a wild night at the pub, then the wig will give you that naughty girl look. Have fun! Sheri

  32. It's nice to have a play around, especially with a wig for just £2, wow what a bargain ... but you look so much better with your own hair length and colour (of the moment). You'll have to see what you look like with pigtails ;-)

  33. It's the long and short of it.. you look nice in either of the hair styles. Your blouse looks lovely and cheery! Happy weekend!


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