Monday, 12 June 2017

It's coming together, slowly.

Hello. Crafty Club was busy this morning, full house, we had to get another table out. Lots of chattering going on, it's all too much for me, I sit quietly and do my thing and wait till the chatter dies down, then I can speak. It's very difficult to hear what's being said in a noisy environment, that's why I don't go out socializing very often. I need to be reasonably close to the person I am speaking to, but if there is background noise my hearing aid picks it all up and drowns out the voice of the person I want to hear. My felting picture is coming along nicely. 
I did a bit more on the Summer House this afternoon, but it is still windy, not ideal for working outside. I had a pallet with slats missing so I added wood to fill the gaps. I've screwed it to the corner opposite the other one. I stopped at this point because time was getting on, and the wind was making it quite difficult to hold the heavy door in position while I screwed it into place. That pallet doesn't look very stable but I have secured it with screws on the one side, and there is a metal pole hammered into the ground on the other side. Work will resume tomorrow if it isn't too windy. Once I have the second door on I need to find a piece of wood to go across the top of the doors to join them together, I think I have one in the garage. 
Mayze was outside with me, snoozing in the kitty shelter.

Heidi was out for a while but doesn't like wind, so she came back in. This is where I found her. There are lots of comfortable places she could get comfortable in, but no, she likes to have her back leg dangling over the edge of a windowsill, or this stool in the bathroom. I sometimes find her curled up in the bath, when there is no water in it, or in the wash basin.

I thought I might go shopping tonight as I have very little left in the fridge, and I'm running out of other things as well. A £6 off voucher arrived this morning from Tesco so that will be used, but I can't be bothered to go tonight, maybe tomorrow night.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. I do sympathise with the hearing thing. I also find it hard when there is a lot of chatter and I'm trying to focus on one conversation. I have become quite good at lip reading and reading facial expressions, but it's a pain. Can't wait to see your finished felt picture.

  2. I also have a hearing issue on my left side plus tinnitus so it's an absolute nightmare trying to have a decent conversation with lots of background noise. I think Ive said no many times when it should have been yes and nodded when I shouldn't have. So fully understand your noise problems. Your cats look lovely and are typical of cats I will sleep where I want to so please call me for lunch when its cat slave x Rae x

  3. For the past year or so I find I'm asking people to repeat words more,then I still don't catch it.My Lily is a good girl but I do think I'm her maid she has me well trained x

  4. Oh you go girl!!,Whatever you do ,i think that you are a Brilliant person.My Mam is 84 this year ,in September,n is still out there fixing fencing,weeding,mowing the lawn,jet washing the slabs.She says it keeps her active.....and,i at 62 agree with her!...I have been through very bad times in the past....but now,i think,enjoy every day..whatever it is you are doing.Best Wishes to you all,Debi,Leic,x

  5. I have just reread your post......oh your summerhouse looks lovely as it is..enjoy it while it is mild outside,no need to add alot more to it!,You sit in it and enjoy what you have already built on a shoestring!,Best wishes Debi,Leic,x

  6. I've got a shed that I sat in last week whilst it was raining ,I loved it watching the rain through the open door.The dogs sat in there too and we dropped off to sleep ,so relaxed after our walk x


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now.

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