Friday, 9 June 2017

Busy in the garden

Hello. That's all done and dusted then, now we know who is going to run the country. Seems all a bit confusing if you ask me, but no matter, the mess will get sorted one way or another. In the meantime we carry on as normal. 
The weather has got better as the day went on, it's been quite warm this afternoon. I started off by doing some sewing, then went outside to carry on with the painting of the Summerhouse. I tarted it up a bit with some old cd's. Looking good so far. 
The flowers are doing well though the tall ones have taken a battering in the wind and have collapsed on top of the smaller plants. I have put some stakes in to support them.

I'm really pleased that this little tree is growing. I've got four of them, all rescued from the bins in the churchyard. Silly people for throwing them away, lucky me that I found them.

I've mowed the front and back lawns. I love to see it when it's tidy like this. The garden looks so much bigger after the grass has been cut and the hedges trimmed. View from my upstairs window. The lumpy bit in the middle is where there used to be a paved path. I took up the slabs but didn't cut the grass. It is the cats playground, they like making a nest in there and snoozing in the sunshine. A frog also lives in there, so I leave it rough.

I keep adding a bit more stitching on the felted picture. Looking good so far. A lot more to do.

I'm just off out now to do the second half of my walk. I started it earlier today and got waylaid with chatting to people and had to cut it short because my belly was groaning that it was lunch time.

Thanks for popping in, enjoy your weekend, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Your garden is looking really pretty Ilona, and I like the CDs on the summerhouse and your curtain is so unusual.
    Have a good weekend.
    Hazel c uk

  2. Really pretty Garden and great picture you're doing. Natalie

  3. that stitching on the felt looks super. Garden looking good too and I like how you have used those old CD's on the summer house

  4. You have a lovely garden Ilona- a quite Portmeirion influence- they are very lucky girlies to have such a place to enjoy .Your picture is jewel like.I like to keep some natural areas for little friends in my garden too x

  5. Your garden and flowers are really very nice. I do love how you leave a bit of a rough patch for the kitties and frog!

  6. Your felt picture is beautiful. 😀

  7. The CDs are a great addition to your summerhouse and your lawn looks pretty and green and a nice place for cats and frog.

  8. Your yard is so lovely. And, the felted picture is so amazing with all the fine stitching designs. Pat xx

  9. Lovely garden and the 'wild patch' for the cats is such a good idea, also for wildlife. SueM

  10. Love your garden Ilona and your Summerhouse ....can't beat a bit of colour in your life I always say. Rae x

  11. great garden! and I really like the cd idea; if i had a shed (not possible in my shared garden), I would love to do something similar. you are so creative! it's lovely to see your ideas.

  12. Your garden is fantastic! Oh, the envy! Lucky kitties to have a mom that understands their need for a play space. And the beautiful stitching ... more envy! Reminds me I better get my rear in gear on my own projects. Thanks for the inspiration. Sheri


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