Thursday, 15 March 2018

Goodbye my little friend.

Hello. I was invited to go and see Garcia yesterday, as his owner J, thought he wouldn't be here much longer. When she came home from work I went straight round to the house and found her on the phone to the vet. It was obvious that he had to go straight away. I offered to go with her because there were no other family members around, and she was understandably upset. I couldn't let her go on her own. We were there in ten minutes, and Garcia went off to pussycat heaven. 
This is how I will remember him, lying in the sunshine, sleeping peacefully on my window sill. Almost every morning he would be waiting for me to open the back door, and would stroll in, and help himself to whatever food he could find. He sometimes stayed a while, and sometimes went for a wander, but would come back later looking for more food. He didn't have a cat flap at his house, but he knew he could get in here. 
He was wary of Rocky and warned him off a few times with a hiss if he got too close, even though Rocky liked cats. Garcia would sleep anywhere in the sunshine, in my garden, in next doors hedge bottom, even on the tarmac pavement somewhere between his house and my house. He was always at his own front door waiting to be let in when they came home from work. He will be buried today in his own garden. Rest in peace my little friend.

I've just found a little video of three cats mooching around the garden. Bugsy, Lily, and Garcia. Had forgot about it, can't remember doing it. I can't find it on yoootooob, and there are no links to embed  it here. If you click on this link it will take you to the page 3rd April 2011, scroll down to the bottom. All the cats are gone now, but this is a lovely way to remember them, in the sunshine, in the garden. 

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. RIP, Garcia, bringer of joy.
    J x

  2. Hope he has a "PURŔRRRFECT" life in cat heaven xx

  3. So sad when they leave us Hugs xxxxx

  4. Tears for little Garcia x he had a good friend in you xx

  5. What a lovely tribute, to a gorgeous cat. So nice of you to accompany your friend. Putting an animal down is never easy.

  6. You gave Garcia a bolt-hole when the owners were out and he would have been grateful for it; at peace now in cat heaven. xx

  7. What an enchanting little character he was! We will miss him as well ...

  8. A wonderful tribute, so sorry for your loss.

  9. I'm sorry for your neighbor and your loss. We become so attached to our pets that I believe we will see their sweet faces again in Heaven. Two weeks ago we had to put one of our 14 year old labs to sleep. She had been ailing for months but it was so hard to let her go. P.S. The kitties had a lovely garden to run those daffodils. Patty Mc

  10. Lovely video of the 3 cats enjoying some sunshine together - happy memories. Also your daffodils were looking great - do they still flower in that same spot?

    1. Yes, Lesley. The bulbs were already here, they have been flowering for the last 20 years.

  11. It seems that he became ill and went quickly. When he came to your place and hung out, it did not seem he was ill at all.

  12. I am so sorry for your loss.

  13. Cats are so very special, unique individuals who wrap their tails around our hearts, so sad to hear this.

    1. Wrap their tails around our hearts - perfectly put!

  14. So very sad x the loss of a pet is one of the worst things in life. God Bless and RIP Garcia xx

  15. The video was just lovely. I hope they are all lying in a patch of sun together, somewhere.

  16. That’s a shame xxxxx

  17. Love the video of the three cats in your beautiful daffodil garden. Your grass looks so green. Looks like it was made almost 7 years ago. I'm so sorry about Garcia. I lost my "Erne" in October--still not over it. Miss him everyday. He was orange and white--my best buddy and companion. I have lots of pictures of him, but sadly no videos. Wish I had made one of him.


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