Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Ten hearts and a barbecue table

Hello. More decoration for the garden, I think I have enough things on sticks now. This time I decided to do hearts instead of flowers. Plastic shapes cut out of boxes of washing machine tablets, cd cases, and chocolate boxes. Three sizes for each heart, plus a heart shaped button for the front. 
Sequins added, and glitter nail varnish with extra glitter. Eight of the stalks are 29 inches long, two short ones are 12 inches. They came from a large parasol which my friend gave me to take apart. A piece of florists wire is threaded through the hearts and twisted around the stalk at the back, and covered with hot glue to stop them moving about.

 Look what I found this afternoon. I was five minutes into my walk when I came across a barbecue on someone's front garden with a note on saying free to take. I thought, no, I don't want a barbecue and walked away. Then had second thoughts maybe I could use the table for something. It's very heavy solid wood. I rang the bell and said if no one wants the whole thing, I will take the table. The man  lifted the barbecue bit out of the middle and said, there you are, it's yours, so I pushed it home. Wants a bit of a clean up but otherwise it's sound. Lucky, eh!

Time is getting on, after a long phone call I must now go outside and water the garden. They say it will rain, but will it. The plants need water now. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. I like free things, got a bedside cabinet the other day from a friend which I am going to paint to give it a new lease of life.

  2. Good morning Ilona,
    The colour and creativity you inject into life is amazing! Love, love love the hearts. That table having wheels makes it look very very useful. Weave your magic and it will be incredible. Enjoy the rain..... when it arrives! Cheers, Jo

  3. That table you sourced is brilliant and really strong it would look good painted in one of your strong colours - looking forward to seeing what you come up with x

  4. Good score on the bar b que table. --- here's an idea to consider...Refinish/paint, and then fix the bottom shelf and two top side shelves up with comfy padded tops. Make a lovely perch for your cats. Give them the option to leap up, or snuggle down. And, you can move it around the garden, or inside the house, to give them a change, or let them perch close to you.

  5. Vicki-MidwestUSA13 June 2018 at 23:18

    Hi Ilona. The hearts are so pretty! They would look great as a decoration on almost anything. I'm impressed with all you get done in a day. You're an inspiration! Best wishes.

  6. Great looking table, or it will be once you've done your magic on it! With a shelf in the middle I can see it as a plant stand, potting table or you could use it for food and drinks when it's open gardens day. Waiting in anticipation...... :)

  7. I absolutely LOVE the garden stakes, especially with the added sequins. Very clever idea. Wish I lived closer so I could purchase some of your goodies!!

  8. I would use the BBQ trolley as a potting table. It's an ideal height and means no stooping when repotting your plants.

  9. That bar b q table is a real find. It will be quite robust due to its origins. A great work table, display table for potted plants, nesting place for the kitties, the possibilities are huge. I still can't get over how much stuff you acquire, skips, people passing stuff on, freebies on front lawns, we get no opportunities like that round here.

  10. Your hot glue gun has had a good work out! and your garden will look a treat for the open gardens day

  11. I can't wait to see what you do with this BBQ trolley. I see a lot around at hard rubbish collection time and am hoping I can score one myself too. I love the places the imagination takes one. There are no limits. And, your garden adventures are testimony to that.

  12. Mmm, this is going to be interesting to see what you make with this. lol

  13. It will be interesting to see what you do with the b b q table.
    Have a not day.

    Hazel c uk

  14. Loving your ideas Ilona. If I had that table I would paint it put a shelf in the middle empty bit and have asstd pots with annuals on for a lovely summer display, you could hang a couple of baskets on the ends too....lovely. It's obviously hardwood so ideal.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.