Friday, 30 November 2018

Freebies found in a skip

I haven't found a decent skip for ages, most of them have been filled with builders rubble and garden rubbish. Yesterday I found these. Two baskets with lids and fabric liners. I'll clean them up, wash the liners, and make new ones if they don't come clean enough. 

These will come in useful, two sets of chrome hooks that hang over the top of a door. Need a bit of a polish up.

Don't forget it's check in day tomorrow for the International Walking Group members.  ilona


  1. Those are fantastic skip finds!

  2. A great find Ilona!I can never get my head round why people throw away perfectly good stuff.Even if they are fed up of it..,make it into something else,offer it to someone who can make use of it or give it to a charity shop.I just hate good things going into landfill.Those hooks are handy.Ive got a set hanging over my bedroom door,but they could be used in a kitchen as well,for aprons,tea towels,shopping bags,peg bags ect.Good for you for rescuing them!xx

  3. Green with envy over those baskets. Fancy throwing them in the skip??? Just don't understand people sometimes.

  4. You’ve got some real corkers there. Nice work.

  5. Well done on your lovely skip dive items, they look very useful. xx

  6. Lovely Freebies, it is amazing what you can find.

    1. Amazing. Don't forget to look in every skip you pass, and ask the householder or person who hired the skip if you can take something you want.

  7. Wow some good finds there, well done

  8. What a good find Ilona. It will be interesting to see what you will do with the baskets.
    It's raining her but I shall have to go out regardless.
    Hazel c uk

    1. I don't need the baskets for myself, I'll donate them.

    2. You are so kind they will be useful some one.
      Hazel c uk

  9. Great useful finds. I understand one of the MP's has said he will allow people to remove items from local council dumps. So if you see a bed being dumped and you want it you can take it. Common sense prevails at last!

    1. I wish that was the same everywhere. Maybe one day all Councils will see sense.

    2. You can’t do that here. Think the contractor that run the sites get first pick! The rest gets dumped even if it’s still usable.

  10. Oh wow! Those baskets are lovely. Fancy putting them in a skip! Makes me mad what people will chuck away

  11. Nice finds! Our local city ordinance allows anything placed on the curb for pick up to be picked up by anyone, no questions asked. Individual rubbish and recycling bins near the home are off limits until they are moved to the curb for weekly pick up. We have quarterly bulk trash pick up that can be accumulated in a specified manner on the curb beginning one week before the scheduled pick up date. There can be some good--and awful!--finds.

    Love your patchwork bag! Blog-reading time is a bit scarce at the moment.

  12. ooh lucky . Its the same here. Almost no skips worth sifting through. I have often thought they should allow a 'retrieval' section at the local dump because it is always a bit sad to see useful things getting dumped as rubbish when we take our bits to dump.


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