Thursday 4 May 2023

X marks the spot

 We have arrived at voting day. Two flyers have been delivered to my door, both from the same party. We never hear from the other side, from one year to the next, so who knows what they have planned for us over the coming year, should they win. 

Oooops, I think I had one flyer from them, full of the usual promises. Now what did I do with that. Oh I know, the Council collected the paper for recycling yesterday and now my blue box is empty. Not to worry. 

I usually vote for those who seem to be doing more for the local community. All well and good if they are refurbishing a childrens playground, or spending money on making the place look tidy. They like to spout off about such things, give themselves a pat on the back, look, didn't we do well. 

I now think there are much bigger issues to sort out, which involve the well being of the whole country. It's fine to build little pockets of paradise dotted about, but when they are surrounded by a crumbling infrastructure of world wide dystopia, it's time to say enough is enough. Take a look at Christine's speech if you want to know what I am talking about. 

I will be voting later on. I don't know or care which names will be on the ballot paper, none of them are worthy of my vote. I will not be putting a cross against any of them. I will name the person who I think would make a good Prime Minister. Futile probably but it will make me feel better. 

For now I must dash. A morning walk is on the cards with a group of people I have never met before. 

Toodle pip.   ilona 

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