Monday 12 June 2023

Ooooops, there goes another one

All before breakfast. Set camera up, talk to it, memory card into computer, click on yoootooob, and let it do it's thing. Come back later, copy code into blog, and bingo, there you are. 
Catch ya later.   Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Hope that you enjoyed your self at Crafty Club.Those bags that you are making are so handy so I hope that you do well at your Summer Fare.The one that you sent me a couple of years back has been used for lots of things.My Daughter even borrowed it for doing a carboot sale last week,to keep her cash safe.As far as banks closing....ours closed as well......I dont want a cash less society.I dont want any one checking on what Im spending......not a lot apart from on my cats!!.Our day is coming.If enough people would come to their senses and stop and really watch what is going on,we will get therex

    1. Hello Debi. People are getting sucked further and further into this dystopian nightmare. All our freedoms are being eroded before our very eyes, and people are letting it happen. Stick with cash whenever you can. Every little helps.

  2. What a crying shame most banks are shutting I know huge amounts of people that loved to go into the bank I still think there very much needed.imvcleaner and part of my early morning round was to let myself in to Barclays NatWest and nationwide hoover them clean polish and sort staff areas etc.i had four which I happily cleaned for many years now I'm cut to just a Santander.its sad because they stood out on the high street now just empty buildings.things are going wrong that's for surex🌈


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