Thursday 15 June 2023

Stay ahead of the game. (Edited)

Neil Oliver tweeeets. . .  this is absolute twaddle. I think he may be right. 
Climate change is the new stick to beat us with. The new weapon they have in their tool box. Look at the news headlines. They are all about nudging us towards being scared the world is going to end. It will either be  burnt to a crisp, or be swallowed up with water and we are all going to be washed away and drown. Make your own mind up which is it to be. 

The article is here. 

Some of the 1560 comments......    Catch ya later.   ilona

t's going to be another "rule by fear", con by the government. Why have they still not repealed the illegally passed Covid 19 act. I see more lockdowns on their way.

There is another reason these diseases are coming here. Hence 50% rise in goner rea.

Climate change nonsense. Covid spread by humans because no check open borders

They are not going to give up,are they. Don't believe any of this utter nonsense. Fear-mongering again.

And Bill Gates just bought the largest mosquito lab 

Another health scare to make sure we keep demanding that the government make us safe.


I have just watched an interview from UK Column News. Patrick Moore talks about the so called climate crisis. He talks about why there isn't a crisis, it's all made up. If you want to keep up with what is going on, I suggest you watch and listen to Patrick. Here is a link to the UK Column web site. 

A bit about Patrick Moore.

Patrick Moore was a founding member of Greenpeace, a former President of the Greenpeace Foundation, Director of Greenpeace International and President of Greenpeace Canada. He left Greenpeace in 1986 as it was being transformed from an organisation dedicated to saving civilisation to one dedicated to the destruction of civilisation. The mass psychosis concerning carbon dioxide—an essential nutrient without which plant life (and hence all higher forms of life) would cease to exist—is one example of the errors of the modern green movement.


  1. Why would anyone expect the truth from a newspaper!

  2. Why does anyone trust the media or the government? Especially when they ignore their own rules and made loads of money from the covid. People need to waken up and not believe everything told to them. My friend was fined for buying a bottle of wine and treated like a criminal during lockdown.those crooks get away with murder.

  3. During lockdown I was reprimanded by a security guard in a large pet shop for putting one of those stacks of trays which turn to hide treats in to keep my 4 dogs occupied during lockdown - I began crying but the young assistant talked sense to the man - I was desperate because we were told not to go out far an not for long either - I was difficult to keep my dogs occupied as they were used to longer walks - Someone I see occasionally when walking my dogs told me at the start of the pandemic she would not conform to their orders and Bill Gates was behind it - She also told me they will put a chip in our wrists and demand to enter our homes x

    1. Now that you know the truth about what happened, you can make informed choices if and when they try the same tricks again. I didn't lockdown, I still went out. If we all stick together and say no, I'm not doing it, then that will scupper their plans. The more people wake up they won't be able to go to the next stage. A chip in the wrist is a medical procedure, you can say no. If someone wants to come into your house, don't answer the door. We still have our freedoms, hang onto them.

    2. I know Flis as a good friend and can remember this happening to her.She has 4 beautiful healthy dogs who are used to having long walks daily.How did they expect us confine our animals to the house for weeks at a time.I think,looking back that they were not only trying to crack us up but but our animals also!.When I had the jabs,which I did out of fear,it was mainly because of looking after my nearly 90 year old Mam.I had 3.I wont be having any more because I think that they micro chipped us then.x

  4. Re Met Office banging on about "extreme" summer weather - perhaps they could explain how the 10milion+ Brits who go on summer holidays to warmer (by 5+ Deg C) destinations in Europe manage to survive without being frazzled to a crisp? Just how stupid are these allegedly intelligent people?

    1. Perhaps the Met Office are part of the plan. Under orders to embroider the truth.

  5. There is NO excuse for those in power (who shouldn't be) to say, 'the benefit of hindsight'... NO, there are no excuses for them who knew what a damaging and planned event was going to happen.

  6. We are a lot more worried about Zika and Dengue here in Hawaii. It is now in many Pacific islands when it was not in the past so we do not want our mosquitoes carrying it. Not super scarry pandemics but still as concerning as say meningitis.

  7. The climate concerns is a load of rubbish to control us again! I won't comply being locked up again. Why do they always say about water shortage for just a few days of sun is down to climate. Why do people believe them?

    1. Because they have already been primed to believe what Government tells them. The threats of you won't be able go anywhere unless you get the medical treatment, (jabbed). That was an experiment in how to control people. Clown Shwab said so himself. The threat of water shortage is down to them not building any more reservoirs and water treatment plants to supply clean water to the massive influx of foreigners we are experiencing. More people need more water.

  8. Climate change is just another big hoax…don’t fall for it!

  9. I find it incomprehensible that you and your followers can’t accept the fact or understand that climate change and global warming are here.
    It’s happening , it’s real , it’s not made up.
    You show concern and worry about loosing so called freedoms, what about the possibility of not being able to go outside for a walk because of extreme temperatures. Extreme temperature is just one example , there are many others. Floods, droughts, people loosing their homes due to sea level rising, animals loosing habitats and becoming extinct ,
    Coral reef bleaching, ocean waters warming, glaciers melting , icebergs melting
    Some people in the UK are living in a bubble with their heads in the sand .
    Caring about humanity is more than just caring about the loss of freedom .

    1. I suppose you believed them when they said the covid vaccine is a vaccine, and that it is safe and effective. That the whole world needs to be jabbed. That no one was safe until everyone is safe. Now look how thousands of people are dying from blood clots and heart attacks. How millions of people are facing life changing disabilities. Their globalisation plans are falling apart. They will stop at nothing, the lies will keep on coming until people are confined to boxes.

  10. I booked a train ticket the other day and the app informed me how much CO2 I had prevented in using a train over a car and would I like to know more. I took the time to tell them where they could poke their CO2 data.
    The planet has been around 4.6 billion years and in that time the climate has perpetually changed. We’ve had something like one ice age, 5 mini ice ages and we are currently in a interglacial period. When the Romans were here it was far warmer than it is now. Were they all driving round in chariots powered by V8s getting shitty mpg. And when the dinosaurs were here it was warmer still.

    1. Thank you. Someone with some sense.

    2. I’m not so sure I have any sense. Actually I’m kind of liking the idea of having a chariot with a V8.

  11. So you think the government is making up stories about climate change to control us .
    How ridiculous. The government has no control over the climate.
    Climate change is real.
    Global warming is real .
    It’s happening right now.
    It’s here.
    Denying climate change, not only shows how ignorant some people are, but also selfish .

    1. Aaah, the old 'selfish' accusation again. I suppose I was selfish not to get the jabby. The Government aren't making it up, they are being told, nay ordered, to follow the script, as written by the World Banks, the WEF, Big Pharma, and big Tech. It's part of the plan. You can believe what you like, but eventually the shit will hit the fan when another myth is busted.

    2. Yes the government is controlling the narrative about climate change. If they are concerned they would give up their big cars, houses and private jets. They would practice what they preach.

    3. The Red Arrows have been doing a fantastic job so far this year, with their world wide tours.

  12. The government is not being ordered to make up climate change.
    What you believe is almost comical.
    Denying climate change exists is no laughing matter.

    1. I am not laughing. When Governments use psychology to manipulate people's thoughts and actions, then that practice is evil, and should be called out for what it is.

  13. Well done ilona for standing your ground. Some people are too afraid to see what's really happening. They are sheep and unable to think for themselves. The government are all corrupt and should be changed for crimes against humanity. Look at all the I'll poor people that weren't allowed visitors when dying, while our government threatend us if we breached the rules they were breaking themself.

  14. The troll comments I am getting were predicted. When people find out what really happened, and the lies are coming out now, they will take out their frustrations on anyone who is awake and declined the treatment. It's understandable that they feel bitter.


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