Wednesday 14 June 2023

Sunny day walk.

Yesterday was a group walk. I had a couple of hours to spare, and it wasn't too far to drive to the start, so I joined in. Three miles in the morning sunshine. 
This tree was adorned with dog collars. A memorial to all dogs who have walked these paths before. What a lovely idea to remember our four legged friends. 

Some of the group members had refreshments in the Village Hall. I didn't join them, I had a look at the church while I was there. On the way home I called in to see my friend June for a natter.  

This morning was the Coffee Morning. That was a laugh. Me acting the clown as usual. There is another group walk tomorrow morning. I will think about whether I will join it, or not. I don't need to go to every one, just pick out a few walks from the list. 
Now I'm going to go outside and water up the pots and raised beds. We could do with some rain. 
Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Oh that tree!.What a wonderful idea.It brought tears to my eyes remembering when I used to walk my dog through the woods.I am finding it difficult to walk too far in this heat though.Even working in the garden wears me out after about half hour...then its cup of coffee time,lol.The weeds grow faster than I can pull them up!.x

    1. The garden has had a dose of rain overnight.


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