Saturday 1 July 2023

New toy.

I went on a mission today, to Lincoln. I wanted to check out the cameras at the London Camera Exchange, where I bought my last Canon. I need something lighter in weight and smaller. 
Where I park in Wragby Road is a good walk to the city centre. I had a look at the gardens at the back of the Cathedral. The entrance to the shop and cafeteria is there, separate to the main entrance at the front. I went in the shop and bought some of the lovely smelly soap that I like. I took a few photo's. 

Then I walked down Steep Hill to the town centre. The Ukulele Band were playing some old favourite pop songs, which everyone stopped to listen to.   

The Saturday Craft Market was busy. 

Hey look, I met a friend. I happened to see Ida walking down the High Street and noticed she had a  lovely purple outfit on. All dressed up she was. I had to tell her how nice she looked. She had been to church to sing in the choir. We chatted. I was hungry so I said I would get something to eat. We went in Greggs, then sat on a bench to eat our pasties. What a lovely lady she was, one of ten children. We talked about our growing up as children days. Something we have in common, we both like trees and the countryside. She isn't on the internet but she will get someone to look for this blog. I hope she does, Hello Ida. 
Ida went to get her bus, and I had a walk to Brayford Wharf. The Cathedral towers above everything else and can be seen for miles. 

The Brayford Bell had finished work for the day.
Then it was a slow walk back up Steep Hill to the car. Here is my new toy to play with. Let's hope my videos are not so wobbly in the future. It has mufflers to cut out the wind noise. Excited to try it out. 

Cheerio for now. Enjoy your Sunday. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. One of these days,I am going to get to Lincoln.I have traveled through there and admired the cathedral from afar.But never walked around the place.It does look nice and how lovely to meet a new like minded person!xx

    1. I wonder if there is a bus you could get. The bus station in Lincoln is very close to the centre.

  2. What a happy day in Lincoln you had. I would have loved to listen to the Ukulele Band - don't they look like they are having a great time! I love Ida's smile and yours as well. Looking forward to watching your videos filmed with your new vlogging kit. All best wishes.. Margaret in Canada

  3. You might be interested in this competition Ilona:

    One of your wonderful landscapes or sunsets? It says the interpretation of the theme of 'wild Britain' is up to the entrant.

    H x


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