Wednesday 16 August 2023

A look at Cawthorne Village.

Hello. It's been a lovely day today, the sun has been shining. I went to Coffee Morning, then for another coffee and a natter with a friend. After a late lunch I did a five mile local walk. 
This is the last video from the Cannon Hall trip. 
The village of Cawthorne is really nice. I spent half an hour in the churchyard sitting on a bench. Lovely and peaceful. 
Someone told me about this gravestone so I searched for it. Note the ages of the young people who died in this disaster, and the names on the pieces of coal along the bottom. 

I took a picture of this house, just because it is in a lovely setting. 
When I first entered the village I was disappointed to see that the Museum was closed. After I had looked round the whole village and was heading back, I notice that someone had changed the sign and it was open. Brilliant, worth a look. I spent almost an hour in there, chatting to the two volunteer ladies, and taking photo's. Sadly recording videos is not allowed. 
The building is divided up into several rooms, and each one was jam packed full of just about every antique you can think of. I was really pleased to see things that I remembered from my childhood. 
See that tin opener hanging up next to the Ajax. I have one exactly the same that I am using now. Who needs fancy gadgets, when the old fashioned ones work perfectly well. 

Ha ha, remember the telephones of yesteryear. 
I had a school satchel just like that one. And I had an electric fire the same as that when I moved away from home into my first bedsit. 
My mum had a treadle sewing machine which I used to make my own clothes, dresses and skirts. 

Oh and the school desk. I shared a double one like this with my friend Ian. The school was going to take delivery of some new desks. There was a competition to decide who gets them. The winners were those who kept their desks the tidiest. I was off school poorly so Ian tidied both his and my side of our desk. He did such a good job, we were one of the few who got a new desk. 
This is part of a massive wall hanging. I'm not sure what year it was made. 

This gentleman made these model engines.
Hey, remember these hairdryers, I had one the same as this. 
And I had a typewriter. Can't remember who gave it to me. 
Look, a baby dolly. I have one with the same plastic head, but sadly the rubber body is falling apart. 
I had an old sewing machine for about 20 years or more. Thought I would sell it, but sadly there are so many of them, no one wants to buy them. 
What a super day that was.  Here is a link to the Cawthorne Museum web site. Well worth a look if you are in the Barnsley area. 
A walk back to the car and I was home by 6.30pm. Where shall I go next. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Sorry I published too soon - I meant to add -I thought I was not much more than 16 until I saw the museum x

  2. Very interesting great to look around thanks nana in australia

  3. Enjoyed that look around, Ilona. Talk about a blast from the past. I have recently bought an old fashioned carpet sweeper. ( it is new). works a treat. I was surprised to see that they were still available! Yes I had one of those hairdryers. The pipe burned your neck if you weren't careful, haha. Then I bought one on a stand.

  4. Hi Ilona,Debi from Leicester.Oh there are lots of memories there from my childhood.It looks a great place to have a look round.Thanks for the video!.I could imagine all those families getting out of their cars looking forward to a day out in the sun with their picnics.I miss those sort of days now that my Grandkids are all grown up!.xx

  5. Those poor boys in the mining disaster, so young. Looks like two families took a greater hit.
    Such a nasty, terrible industry. A coal miners daighter


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