Tuesday 15 August 2023

Car camping breakfast

Here is a video from Sunday morning at Woolley Edge Services on the M1 in Yorkshire. Getting ready for a day out at Cannon Hall. I got here on Saturday at about 6.30pm. There was still an hour or two of daylight left, so I went a walk to explore the area. I came across a chappie who was busy strimming the grass at the front of his farm. We stood chatting for a good half an hour. Then I followed the footpath which went right through his farm. What a nice man he was. We had a good laugh.

I made another video when I got to Cannon Hall. I'll get that uploaded tomorrow. 
Today I have been working in the garden, it's been a lovely day.
Catch ya later. Toodle pip. ilona


  1. Hiya. Why not stay in a B&B ? You’ve worked hard all your life, I can’t understand you sleeping in a car! Anna

    1. Hello. Why not stay in a B & B? I used to do that until I tried car camping. You have to book a date in advance to stay in a hotel or B & B. Search the internet for a suitable location. Confirm with the owner that they will accept cash, usually by phone. Arrive at the given time. Tell them my preferences for breakfast and what time I want to eat it. Vacate the room usually by 10am. When I car camp I can go wherever the fancy takes me. Freedom of the road which is why I was a lorry driver all those years. I decide what and when I eat. What time to go to bed, what time to get up. To be in my car and have absolutely no pressures at all, is bliss.

  2. The life you enjoy living really is based on freedom. Freedom to you is your most important value and is important to you in all areas of life. Freedom to do what you want, freedom to go where you please, freedom to have full autonomy and maximum control over your own life. Admirable.

    1. Lucky that I was born in the UK. Lucky that my mother met my father. She made a massive sacrifice to come here.

  3. Hi Ilona,Sorry I have had to post as Anon,but this is Debi from Leicester.Loved the video,as always.You are always very organised...never mind about the comb.A bit of water n fingers through your hair works wonders!!.I dont blame you car camping as opposed to Bed n Breakfast.You can have all the freedom in the world with out being held to times of a hotel.Free as a bird!!.Debi,from Leicester!xx

  4. Ilona I try never to be envious of people but I'm a little jealous because the life you choose is the life I want getting in your camping car and just going where you choose with the freedom of the open road and like you say who wants all that booking in band b with time restrictions etc.your your own boss in life.im working towards this and won't be long now before I can do something similar.really enjoy watching where you go it's very interestingx


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