Friday 4 August 2023

Birds are welcome

When I moved here 22 years ago the back garden had nothing in the borders. All open plan, everyone from the surrounding houses could look across and I had no privacy. The boundary was marked by small concrete posts and wire, which were put in by the builders 60 years ago. 
There was one conifer hedge at the bottom of the garden, which I have kept. I didn't have any money to pay for fencing, and the thought that it would deteriorate over the years and would need replacing was something I didn't want to have to deal with. 
So I planted bushes between me and the neighbour on one side, and the hedge half way across the lawn and down the side to make a private area at the bottom. The neighbour on the other side eventually put up a fence to separate us because he wanted to secure his garden. 
Years later and my bushes have grown. I keep them trimmed to about 6ft. Now I have the pleasure of watching the birds flock to the garden. 
There is a trend to rip out front gardens to provide parking places for two or three cars. Block paving is replacing grass, wood and bricks are replacing hedges. Very sad for the wildlife, and not at all pleasing to the eye. 
The hedgehogs are still coming for food. At 9.30pm I put out the kitten nibbles. The first one arrives five minutes later. I am sure they can smell them. Then one or two others join in the scoff. In the morning the plates are empty. 
Overcast today so far. Will it brighten up later? We shall see. 
Toodle pip.   ilona  


  1. That's wonderful to see all the birds on your hedge, do they nest in it?

    1. It's difficult to know if there was a nest. The hedge is so thick and dense I can't see into it.

  2. I have a tree outside my house and I can watch the birds quite close up out side my bedroom window,without them being aware that I am there.One year there was even a bird nesting there.I can remember my grans and aunties house having them post and wire fences.Everyone along that lane used to have dogs,chickens,cats,tortoise ect so I dont know how they kept them in their own gardens,lol.When Im in Tutbury I always visit the houses I used to go to as child.I stand out side and think of Happy Times!Next time I go I will see if the old fences are still there!,Although I bet the people living there now think...Aye up,theres that strange city woman standing outside our house again,lol.Hope you have a great weekend!xx

    1. I haven't been home to Burton for a long time. Perhaps I ought to go and see the changes.


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