Tuesday 15 August 2023

Lost for words.

There is a new book out for those who are interested. You can find it on Amazon.  Available on Kindle and paperback. By Dr Miles Stones. 
Photo credit. Amazon.

That was quick, they must have worked day and night to get that out.
The Story of the Maui Fire and its Implications for Climate Change is a gripping and eye-opening account of one of the most devastating wildfires in Hawaii's history, and how it reveals the urgent need to address the global climate crisis. The book chronicles the events of August 8-11, 2023. A comprehensive and compelling narrative of the Maui fire and its implications for climate change. Recommendations on how we can prevent and prepare for future wildfires, and how we can reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate.

Chapter 6. Media Manipulation & Misinformation.

Lost for words.  Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Good grief that was written, proof read, cover artwork designed, printed, and bound in such a short time! How ever did they manage that?

    1. As Anon says, probably A I. Copy and paste the link below, to Richard's video. Many more people are saying the same thing.

  2. Probably self-published by someone whose name yields no search results. More like a pamphlet, at 44 pages in length. One reviewer thought writing seemed to be produced by artificial intelligence. So, yes, item could have been produced quite rapidly.

  3. Richard has put this out on a video. 5662 views already. 606 comments.

  4. Sheesh!.....Over here in Hawaii we are still looking for the cremated dead (99 so far) and caring for those who lost everything. Cause still to be determined.....but the dry summer and strong winds had a part to play.....but were they caused by global warning or just our usual late summer weather? Probably just the latter.

    1. It will be a long time until anyone does any in depth investigations and confirms what really happened. They are still reluctant to investigate why a lot of normally healthy people are dying suddenly, after the shot.

  5. It’s puzzling indeed how anyone could deny climate change .
    There are many more examples of other fires around the world where individual houses haven’t burnt. Sometimes the wind is so strong and the flames change direction quickly.

    1. It is also puzzling why some people think the fires in Hawaii were part of a bigger plan.

    2. Not puzzling at all. When you consider all the other lies the WEF, the WHO, and the Governments have been pushing down our throats, it's normal to question everything.

  6. A I ???
    Climate change has been coming for years, this is nothing new. Wouldn’t take long to publish this , when all the evidence is already there . A bit unfair to assume this is the result of A I.

    1. The climate has always changed. Now it is being pushed as something to cause alarm.

  7. Read the Amazon reviews (all 1*) folks and DO NOT buy this so-called "book" and put money into this guy's pocket. There's no way a reputable book could be published that quickly. It's expensive garbage and I'm surprised at you promoting it Ilona. You are entitled to your views and to write whatever you want to on your blog but this is just fleecing people

    1. I am not promoting it. I would not buy this twaddle, it's obvious why it has been published. DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK.

  8. Dr Miles Stones? Sounds like a made-up name. As in, reaching a milestone in our understanding of climate change?



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