Monday 14 August 2023

No limits.

It's very sad that they have to put these notices up inside toilet doors on the motorway services. There is no excuse for any abuse or harassment. Similar notices can be found on shop fronts. It's a shame that people need reminders on how to respectfully behave towards each other. What is the world coming to. 
I have been checking around the gossip columns, eg Tweeeter, and find that the main stream reporting of the fires in Maui are somewhat lacking in actual true facts. Evil has no limits. 
Getting ready for Crafty Club. Catch you later. ilona


  1. I have noticed these sort of signs being put up for quite a few years now.Maybe 10 years or more they were on the walls at hospitals,doctors ect.Even in pubs,...Weatherspoons,....there is a notice in the toilets,saying to approach a member of staff and ask for Angela,if you feel you are being harassed and need to get out there quick.This is another example of this world we live in now.No respect for nothing or nobody.Did you have a nice time at Crafty Club?Im still smiling at the thought of you taking Gloria the other week,lol.xx

  2. Finally, it’s recognises that abuse and harassment happens , it’s not something new, and it’s ok to let people know how to behave . In the past it wasn’t spoken of, in some places it’s against the law and about time too. Nothing wrong in letting people know how they should behave.

    1. Can you please tell my trolls that. They know what my thoughts are on certain issues. Some of them have been banned from commenting. I delete most of the unwanted comments, yet they come back over and over again to harass me. Why do they do that?

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. That doesn't answer my question. You insult my intelligence yet again.

    4. My employer has those signs all over the place. Do they enforce them? No. We actually call a code white to have security assist us. In my three decades of nursing, I've been punched, kicked, bitten, and verbally abused. As new nurse I was scratched by an 88yo and my Manager's reaction? "What did you do to provoke her?" I literally stopped to see if she needed anything.

  3. Richard might have the answer to the recent fires in paradise. His natural story telling talent maybe closer to the truth than previously reported by MSM.

  4. Sky News report on the fires. Heartbreaking.

  5. The headlines are now saying it is the islands worst natural disaster.


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