Saturday 5 August 2023


It must be horrible to find that your vehicle is not where you left it parked. It is happening more and more that thieves working in gangs are on the look out for any vehicle they can make money from. They know what they are looking for, and usually steal to order. 
Cherie wrote about a friend who had their car stolen from their driveway. She issues a warning about where you keep your car keys in the house. Good common sense, that we should all take on board. 
Crime is undoubtedly on the increase in the UK. This is one mans story of how their campervan was stolen by a gang. Neil McCoy - Ward is a well know yoootooober, he has 412k subscribers. He came over to the UK for a holiday, from the Isle of Man, and was left stranded with no transport, and had to return home. 
Neil talks about the lack of help from the police. Basically, they are not interested. Vehicle theft is not at the top of their list for crime solving. They are more interested in policing hate crime, whether face to face, or online. Someone says something and someone is offended, is far more important than having personal possessions stolen or vandalised. 
Watch Neil's video and take heed. Look after your vehicles as much as you can do. But if they want your particular make or model, they will find ways to take it. 
Raining again this morning. I need to do some work in the garden but everything is soaking wet. Where is the sun? 
Have a good weekend. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I do know a blogger whose van was stolen from outside her home and she saw it from her window being driven away, nothing she could do nor the police as you quite rightly say.

    1. That's sad. It's a sign of the times that we live in. If they want it, they will take it.

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  3. The sun is over here in Arizona…wish I could send it to you for a few weeks. We are getting very tired of hot days and no rain, but that is summer here. Even the cacti are looking sad. The monsoon rains should start in the next few weeks, I hope! ;). Hilogene in Az

  4. A family friend had their old Land Rover stolen overnight from their drive a few months ago - the police said “probably for parts, it will already be stripped down and in a shipping container”. The thieves had broken in and taken the keys from the hall, ignoring a wallet - they’re professionals who don’t risk anything being traced back to them. Family were asleep upstairs. Tricky choice - make it easy for the thieves by leaving keys in the hall (obviously not where they can just hook them from outside) or have them in your house for longer looking for the keys and maybe creeping upstairs? Heather

    1. Difficult to know what to do for the best to deter would be thieves. My car does not need keys to get into it and start it up. There are electronic gadgets which can pick up the signal from the keys, remotely from outside the house. They have to be stored in a container or wallet to block the signal.

  5. Our car usually lives in a locked garage, but for various reasons has had to spend several months on our drive. A neighbour had his van broken into and his work tools stolen a couple of years ago. The thieves used a device to 'ping' the car keys (which were in the house) and effortlessly open the van. We have therefore stopped hanging our keys up in the hallway and have taken to keeping them in a tin box elsewhere in the house when not in use, in order
    to block any signals. We also use a steering wheel lock. As you say, if they really want your particular car they will take it, but I believe that thieves will always go for the easiest option if possible and there are plenty of other cars in the street that present a more tempting target.

    1. I’d forgotten about steering wheel locks - they were popular around 25/30 years ago - perhaps we need to go back to something “old school”? The one I had wasn’t very robust - it hooked around a pedal - but you could get ones that enveloped the whole steering wheel. Heather

    2. A steering wheel lock is a good idea.

  6. I've had two cars stolen in the past.for many years I've had a steering lock on the steering wheel and a lock that fits over the gear changer it becomes routine to put them on and off I have an elderly friend a man who takes his battery out of his engine every night shame all this theft goes on wish people would leave things alonexx

    1. Good habits to get into. I wouldn't go as far as taking the battery out though. I have seen some driveways with a pop up metal post which is embedded into the ground. They lay flat when moving the vehicle in and out.

  7. In my area of Pennsylvania, people have been having their catalytic converters stolen, in broad daylight, in workplace parking lots and in grocery store lots. Thanks for showing the video. It was very interesting. Take care of yourself.

    1. That's another problem, it's happening here. I recently had mine replaced, the garage said they would need to keep my car for the day to do the job. I queried this and asked how come thieves can remove it a lot quicker. Answer, the garage removes the bolts from the old one, which may be rusted. The thief will use a bolt cutter to chop the whole thing out, leaving two open ends of the exhaust pipe. Only takes two minutes.

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  9. Until this country starts dealing out some Real Punishment,this will only get worse.There is no one to help us decent hard working people as far as the police are concerned.The scum can just take what they like and know that they can get away with it!!.Like Ive said before,we are the laughing stock of the world and have been for a long time.xx

    1. Hi Debi. No one bothers to report crime any more, they know nothing will happen. I had a friend who had tools stolen out of their garage. A week later the thieves offered the tools for sale at a local pub. My friend bought them back, saying it was not worth making a fuss because they would break in again. True story.


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