Friday 26 January 2024


 I am going to get this out quickly because I don't know how long I will be connected to the broadband. Quickline are outside, four vehicles, orange lights flashing, and men in orange suits. There is a man up the pole, he is standing on a platform, and is fiddling with the wires that go into the box at the top of the pole. One of those wires is attached to my house. I can see this from my window. I don't know what will happen next. We are constantly told about the Quickline system for internet connection. I have held off on it because I have no problems with mine. It always works, so why change it. Other people are always asking which is the best service provider here in the village. They chop and change looking for a better company which suits their needs. My needs have been met by the one I have been using for years. 

I expect my connection to falter at any time. The man is still up the pole. This is the crux of the matter. Whatever they decide to do, they can cut people off at any time. They are the big boys, they have the money. We are the little people, they will decide and we will have no choice in the matter. 

Be prepared for changes that we haven't asked for. I will sign off now, because I expect this connection to disappear. Changes are coming. 

Toodle pip.   ilona 

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