Wednesday 26 June 2024

Big club.

My Tweeeerer feed is being swamped at the moment with reports of what's going on at the World Economic Forum conference in China. I try and read as much as I can but it is a lot to take in. 
The New Champions they refer to are members from different Governments around the world who are being groomed to take over when the elders finally pop their clogs. 
The WEF are not running the whole show, they are just the puppets who are following orders from those who hold the purse strings. It's all about money of course. This is not going to go away. They are not going to invest all this time and money just to let it fizzle out. Nobody elects these people, they get to decide who they will let in.  Like George Carlin says, 'it's one big club, and we ain't in it.' 
Now I'm off to Coffee Morning for a natter. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip. ilona. 

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