Sunday 13 October 2024

Moving forward. A new direction.

Foxes Afloat have been on my watch list for some time now. I have followed Colin and Shaun from their adventures on their narrowboat, to their new adventures on a smallholding in Scotland. Their content is interesting and entertaining. Both of them are jokers, you have to giggle as you watch their silliness. 
It is well documented that Colin has issues with his mental health. He has managed to alleviate a lot of the symptoms by staying active physically, with running, cycling, and swimming. He looks pretty healthy for a 52 year old. 
Now he has hit a problem, a big problem that has been going on for three years. After putting up with chronic and debilitating  pain, he was diagnosed with a kidney stone. Now, three years later, he is constantly tired, and has lost interest in creating videos, and his followers are wondering what has happened. 
In this video Colin explains everything. It's a story about how he has been let down badly by the NHS, and how he is still in the same position three years later. He now has to find the money to bypass the NHS and go private. Not a decision to be taken lightly. He has had three years to think about it. It's not a sob story begging for money. Colin and Shaun are both resourceful, they will work something out together, I'm sure. 
Listen and watch if you have time, on yootube, then read the comments. This scenario is being played out everywhere. We could always rely on the NHS to help us out if we aren't feeling well, not any more. Today it is more important than ever to take responsibility for our own health. 
Sunday morning and it is dull. The rain overnight has stopped. Yesterday I did a big shop at Home Bargains and stocked up on cat food. Today I don't have a plan, I will make it up as I go along. I know I will be doing two dog walks. 
Enjoy your Sunday. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Canada has similar problems to the UK re. health care. Huge shortage of GPs, long wait times and, what is even worse, NO parallel privately paid system--unlike the UK. As a retired Registered Nurse I can certainly empathize with Colin. Thank you both for posting this video.

    1. I have a friend here in the village who is a retired nurse. She is in a similar position as Colin. In constant pain and is not able to get answers from the doctors. She will see the rest of her life out with limited mobility. I tell her to live her life to the full as best she can.

  2. Have watched the video. Colin has suffered absolutely shameful treatment at the hands of the NHS but I’m not surprised. Having worked in the NHS Doctors have little interest when treatments don’t work out. My neighbour has had treatment for cancer and has been left with some awful, debilitating and permanent side effects which he wasn’t told were likely to happen. Unfortunately he didn’t do his own research. Now his Doctors don’t want to know and he’s been told he has to live with the problems. Yes his life has been extended but with a much reduced quality.
    The only thing the NHS has time for is to endlessly harass and harangue people about vaccines and screening tests.

    1. We used to be able to trust what the doctor said to us, because they were acting on our best interests. I remember our family doctor used to come to the house when my mother was ill. Later on when he retired we were transferred to another doctors list. I was with Doctor Miller for many years until I moved away from the area. I could speak to him about anything. He didn't try and push me onto any treatment until he had assessed my symptoms. Which hardly ever happened I may add, because I was hardly ever ill.

      It has all changed now. The pharmaceutical companies are growing bigger far too quickly. There are huge amounts of money to be made by keeping people ill and in need of medication. A pill or a jab solves everything, apparently.


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