Saturday, 6 June 2020

Before breakfast

I can get quite a lot done before breakfast when I put my mind to it. This is the time when I feel most creative and most productive. Often I am beavering away at something completely oblivious of the time, then I get a rumbling reminder from the stomach department, hey, are we going to have some food today. 
There are still a lot of gaps to fill in the black flower garden. The main parts are placed where I think they should go, now I need leaves, petals, and stalks, to bind it all together. Flowers don't just float in the air, they are attached to something. 
I'll add these to the mix, all placed on loosely before sticking down, maybe I'll need some more. Thank you to Iceland for sending the super large advertising leaflets in the post. They make good work mats to keep the table cloth clean. 
Looks like a stormy day ahead, so I'll have to pick my moments when I go for a walk and hopefully  dodge the showers.

Thanks for the yoootooob suggestions yesterday, I'll look them up.
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Windy,rainy,hailing,sunny day here Ilona with the promise of thunderstorms later on...I suppose that gives me something to look forward too,lol.Your work is coming on well.Are they real leaves that you have sprayed black?.I picked some massive leaves up a few Christmases ago and sprayed them silver n gold, and put the in the Christmas garlands that are put out each year.They looked lovely,but crumbled when I took it down after about 4 weeks.The leaflets do come in useful!I love it every month when my neighbour gives me his old newspapers,they are used for lots of things,including lining my cat litter trays!,Stay safe and I hope that you manage to get your walk in before the thunder

    1. They are artificial leaves.

    2. Oh thats great that they are artificial.They will last and not crumble like mine did,lol.I got caught in a hail storm this was sunny when I left..within about 20 mins from home,the hail came down.I was drenched.But for some daft reason enjoyed it,lol.But my canvas shoes were soaked as was my jacket so I made my way back home.Then the hail stopped and the sun came out!.My shoes n jacket are still very wet now.Good job that I have plenty of replacements for tomorrow!

  2. You are so creative, what are the black leaves and flowers made of, I looked at previous posts,but could not fine anything. Cant see for looking LOL.


    1. I was given a lot of artificial flowers and leaves, I took some apart for this project. I painted them.

  3. having read through your past posts, i can see you are feeling a bit like I am - I think lockdown has created a lot of pent up anger and I know that the security person at the local supermarket has told me they are getting a lot more hassle and cashiers are sometimes left in tears. No need for it. BTW I am liking the black stuff you are working on

    1. Brenda, I am sick of the word lockdown. It is needed to try and control the virus, but now people realise that it can bring a whole lot of new life changing problems.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.