Sunday, 7 June 2020

Worry Less in Hard Times

Good morning on this rainy Sunday morning. A thought provoking video to start the day. This is what we might already know but it's a good idea to keep reminding ourselves of it.

I am now going to finish off the pet beds I started making yesterday. Enjoy this day, make the most of it because we are never going to get it back.
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. So true, there is indeed only one of this day. Let's use it well or at least let it settle and calm us.

    1. I have had a nice day today. That's the main thing.

  2. More and more I've been drawn to the stoics - thank you for this.

    1. I have just found these videos, I shall be searching out some more.

  3. Wise words. We live today, yesterday has gone, tomorrow we have hope.
    It's all about small things in life that matter: health (you can't do much without good health).
    Kindness and love to each other; a small gesture to show you care means a lot.
    Wealth: I have met many rich people who are miserable.
    And I won't start a debate about karma.

    1. I am not going to worry about what might happen in the future any longer. My future is within me.

  4. We also need to make sure that when we have the opportunity to choose hw we spend our time, it needs to be spent doing things, and being with people that help our mental mind set, our need for calm and better equipped to deal with anxious times. It means sometimes doing what is thought odd or not the perceived normal. I'm getting more intentional that way.

    1. I have been spending too much time worrying about how this mess was going to be sorted out. I have to stop now, and get on with my life. I can't control other peoples destructive actions.

  5. Thank you very much for this video. I read the Daily Stoic each day and I have learned much and made my life better. Take care

    1. Thanks for that info. This is something new to me, something I want to explore more.

  6. Very wise words.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈


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