Monday, 8 June 2020

Busy bee

This hollyhock was lovely when the stalk was full of pink flowers. Slowly they are dropping off. New smaller ones are coming up from below the main flower. 
Trying to capture the perfect picture of a bee going about it's business. One half decent shot, many more discarded.

There it goes, a blur in mid flight.

The beds are a bit overcrowded, now we have had some rain. Everything is reaching for the sky and fighting for space. I will let them get on with it. I am not a fan of super neat and tidy gardens. Messy with some kind of order is ok with me.

Glad I have some lupins. I did have two plants, but the other one hasn't made it.

This is Mayze's favourite place. Looks like she is in paradise stretched out in the long grass enjoying the sunshine.

It's not quite so warm today. I think the weather is going to be changeable again, the sun is trying to poke through the overcast sky. I'll get on with my arty stuff and go out later.
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Messy is good, better for the wildlife!
    Save the seeds from your lupin, they grow easily..the one you have left might even spread itself by seed.

    1. We had lupins in the garden when we were kids. I remember collecting the seeds.

  2. I love lupins and love wild flower / natural meadows / gardens, plants doing their own thing

  3. I love the foxgloves I have lots in the garden that have seeded.. Have you noticed that some of the white ones don't have spots on them. We are lucky to have gardens and I don't mind them being untidy.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  4. I hope you don't mind me saying but that pink 'hollyhock' is a foxglove I love foxgloves we used to have several but my husband weeded them away also the hollyhocks because he didn't recognise the seedlings! Every now and again I scatter a few seeds about and hope he misses them. We have aquilegia again after a few years and I was very careful to point them out so hopefully they will survive. I love reading your blogs every day and think your craft things are beautiful xr

    1. I don't mind you saying so. My brain is not always working right.

  5. I think your hollyhocks are foxgloves but I love the lupins, cant persuade them to stay here

    1. You are right, I am not good with flower names.

    2. Here's something amazing: The flowers and leaves of Foxglove are highly toxic to humans. The heart stopping drug "digitalis" is made from the Foxglove. BUT....and this is so amazing to me, honeybees can use the nectar from the flowers to make honey, which is perfectly safe for human consumption. Generally, honeybees will steer clear of them if there are other flowers around, but every now and then I'll see one of the girls in our Foxgloves doing their thing.

  6. It seems like its a getting things done in the garden day for everyone...and doesnt that feel great!!.Im making a new compost corner,because where I put my veg peelings is too much on show.Ive pulled a load more nettles up that grow in from next doors garden.Ive also finished off painting the fence in the front little garden.I did one side last week,but then the rain came the next today it all got finished.I just used old paint that had been kicking around for a few years and Im really pleased with the aint perfect,but it looks a load better,lol.Your flowers look beautiful and I like random planting too.Ive got my once a year long stalk growing from the center of the cactus again which will flower in the next week.Im so much happier when I can get in the garden!.Keep smiling!,xxx

  7. That is not a hollyhock, it is a foxglove.

    1. No need to be so aggressive. There are nice ways of correcting someone who has made a mistake, like Sue and nannyrose above.

  8. I saw on a gardening programme the other day that when they finish flowering if you cut it right down you will get a second lot of flowers later in the summer.

  9. Morning Ilona,Well its really cold here in Leicester..or is it just me!.I forgot to mention yesterday that I saved a bee from drowning in a small bucket of water that I was using.I gently put him on the grass but he seemed really docile.There was also another one that was just crawling about on some gravel,very slowly.It sounds daft but it was as though they were confused.I have noticed this happening a couple of times over the last week or so.I have a large lavender bush in my garden,so I gently scoop them up and put them in there.Well,today I am going to re pot my little tomato plants that are starting to grow.Ive got washing to do,cat litter trays to clean exciting,lol...then off down my Mams to take her a meal.For some reason I have felt a bit nervy this morning,but I am determined that I am not going to have another bad day like last week.Like a lot of us here,it is wasted brain space worrying about something we can do nothing about...So on wards and up wards.Hope that you have a lovely


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