Tuesday 30 April 2024

Busy day.

I've been a bit busy today, so this will be a short one. Paid the Council Tax at the Post Office, and withdrew some cash, this morning. Then I met the Walking Group for a 3 mile walk. It's ages since I did a walk with them. Thought I would show my face as they keep emailing me updates to the programme. I tag along at the back.   
The flooding along here has gone down a bit. It has been impassable at times with the heavy rain. 

We got to the halfway stage and the rest of the route was going to be mostly road walking. I decided to split with them. I am not a fan of group walking anyway. Thought I would meet them to be sociable and to let them know I am still around. I finished the walk by myself, adding an extra couple of miles onto the original route. Fly tipping rears it's ugly head again. 

The car was booked into the garage for 3pm. It now has four lovely new tyres. The cost was just under £300. I use a local garage. The rough road surfaces are getting rather hellish to drive on. These should smooth the ride out a bit. 

I managed to fit in an hour in the garden tonight. 
Tomorrow is the first of the month so it's check in day for the walkers. Let's see how everyone is doing. See you tomorrow. Toodle pip.   ilona

Monday 29 April 2024

Morning thoughts

Ooooops, I just found this in the drafts box. I'll chuck it out there before I go to bed. 
Goodnight. Catch ya tomorrow. Toodle pip.   ilona


 It seems to me that there is a concerted effort to get older drivers off the road, all drivers in fact. The headlines from news reports, which are not really news anyway, churn out negative ideas to instill fear in anyone who dares to get behind the wheel of a car. New rules in the making are bandied about, in the hope they batter us into submission and hand in our keys. They, the cabal, the elite, the rich people, God, or whatever you want to call them,) want us to stop driving in the name of climate crisis and net zero emissions. 

Opening my Microsoft page this morning reveals a plethora of panic inducing headlines enough to turn anybody off wanting to get in their wheels and look for an adventure. Those who use their wheels to get to work will continue doing so. They will get the, 'get the bus or get on your bike' message thrust at them. 

Some of the negative stuff.

Highway code rule could see drivers hit with fine for using car lights. 

Calls grow to make it harder for older drivers to keep their licence. 

Elderly drivers should consider four things when buying a car, experts warn.

Five surprising health conditions you need to tell the DVLA about. 

Preparing to hang up the car keys as we age. 

Most common questions drivers fail on theory test, can you answer them. 

Half of older drivers worry about making basic mistakes on the road. 

Parked drivers struggling to get out of their vehicle as cars get wider.

Driving in Europe, 11 little known motoring laws from France, Spain, Italy. 

Mechanics share when drivers should replace their tyres to avoid safety risks. 

Cars will slow down if drivers are speeding, under EU safety tech in new cars. 

Drivers warned common mistake in car could be exposing them to dangerous bacteria. 

British drivers fear new AI speed cameras which look into cars will invade privacy. 

Why passing an MOT does not mean your car is safe to drive.  

These articles have been directed at me because the AI algorithm has picked up on the subject matter that I have talked about, or shown an interest in. It is a concerted effort to control my thoughts and behaviour. If you are able to think outside the box, you will have noticed something similar happing on your computer screen. 

To survive this onslaught of mind bending trash, all you can do is get off the computer altogether. If you can't, and I can't, just be aware that the forces are working against us. They are trying to break our spirits and mould us into the puppets they can easily control. Hold the line and make sure you come out of this sausage machine with all your marbles intact. 

Enjoy your Monday. I am off to Crafty Club. Toodle pip.   ilona

Sunday 28 April 2024

Change of plan.

Sunday morning. I was supposed to be out all weekend in the car. I had a plan. Go to Sheffield, use the Park and Ride, and visit the Cathedral where there was an arts and crafts event. Then drive to the Derbyshire Peak District and go for a walk in the hills. 
It didn't turn out like that. For a start I had difficulty getting out of Scunthorpe. The M180 was closed between junctions 2 and 3, so all the traffic was backed up as everyone headed for the nearby A18 which runs parallel to the motorway. Total chaos as people needed to cross the river, and there are only two points where you can do that. The motorway, or Keadby Bridge. 
I wasn't aware of this closure, maybe I should listen to local news. So, I am not going to get to Sheffield this way, which should in theory be a one hour journey. I will go the scenic route which is a massive diversion. I may not get to Sheffield at all, but never mind, I have a plan B. As the day progressed I changed my mind several times, as this route was blighted with weekend traffic and roadworks.  Perhaps I will need a plan C, or D, or even plan Z. 
I got on the motorway at Rotherham, not far now, but time was getting on and the event was due to close at about 4pm. I got off the motorway and went down the Parkway heading for the city centre. I hit heavy traffic again, queuing all the way to the roundabout at the bottom. 
I saw a sign for Ring Road. At that point I decided to abandon the Cathedral visit. I went up the slip road and saw a sign for Bakewell. That will do, it's a nice town. I will go straight to Derbyshire. 
By this time I needed a break. I recognised some of my surroundings, I have been down this road before. The A621 has some big posh houses on the right hand side. I'm sure the Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet is somewhere around here. And there it was. I came here in the 1980's driving a bus load of school kids on a day out history visit. I always thought I might come back one day. 
Cameras at the ready I took photo's and recorded a video. I have checked the video and it isn't very good. The noise of the passing traffic spoils it, and it is a bit wobbly due to the uneven surface. I have decided not to publish it. But if you want to see a video try this one.  
Anyway, here are the photo's. 

Abbeydale is a lot like a smaller version of The Black Country Museum, and Beamish. 

It closed at 4pm so on with the journey into Derbyshire. I arrived in Bakewell and started to look for a parkup. The place was absolutely heaving with cars and people. The car park close to the town was rammed full, with a queue of people waiting to pay at the machine. I headed for another car park. It was big with plenty of space. Checking the sign, I don't mind paying, BUT, no overnighters and no sleeping in vehicles. How mean is that, when the streets are chocablock with cars. I drove down a few streets looking for a quiet spot, nothing. 

At that point I said, sod it, I am going home. The reason why Bakewell was so busy is they had an outdoor craft market on. Now I know not to go to touristy places at the weekend in the summer.

As I wake up this morning I am glad I am in my house. It is pouring with rain. I wouldn't have got any walking done if I was in my car. Fed up of this weather. 

I could actually go to a Craft Event at the Lincolnshire Showground today, but after that mammoth journey yesterday, I can't be bothered. 

Onward and upward, eh! Tomorrow is another day. I am now going to make a lovely cooked breakfast. Enjoy your Sunday. Toodle pip.   ilona

Saturday 27 April 2024

Meet Gillian.

I was surprised to see someone I know at the Quilt Show. Gillian teaches textile art. This was the perfect place to promote her business. I have been to some of her workshops at Brigg. It was great to have a catch up. She gave me a list of the classes she is doing over the coming months. I am very tempted to get signed up for some of them. As well as learning a new skill the bonus is the social aspect of meeting other people and having fun. If you want to know what she is doing check out her Facebook page. 
Two pictures from my archives. Sunflowers and Christmas Trees. 

Pictures from Gillian's page. Would you believe, five years ago. 

Enjoy your weekend. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.   ilona

Friday 26 April 2024

Plans for the summer.

 Every morning as I drink my first coffee, I read about what is going on in the world. Every morning some new disaster has been reported. Life is not plain sailing any longer, there are many instances of where things are going terribly wrong. I can understand those who wish to distance themselves from such information and choose to bury their heads in the sand. 

Too much information can screw you up. One needs to discover just how much you can tolerate, without being tipped over the edge. I am never close to the edge because I seek balance in my life. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. 

Soaking up every bit of news leads to saturation. Backing off before it gets to that point works for me. I need to know what is coming, but I don't need to know everything. 

Things are becoming pretty dire in a lot of countries. We are being forced into a completely different world. One which knows no boundaries. It is already happening. Law and order will break down completely. There are no guarantees that we in the western world will be able to maintain the life we have been used to. Grab your freedom while we still have it. 

I am looking forward to some more outings during the summer months. I am gathering information about events that I might visit. I need to get some new tyres on my car and make sure it is road worthy to take me to lots of places. I need to check bus timetables and plan an adventure or two, when the weather is half decent. 

Making plans will give me something to look forward to. On the list is Truckfest at Lincoln Showground. A Vanlife Festival near Malton. A Balloon Festival at Doncaster. A Floating Market on the canal at Burton on Trent. And various Craft Events coming up over the next few months. 

The one I am most excited about is this. 

I have booked a session to drive a Combine Harvester. Not this one, this is my photo from a walk I did in August 2023. 
Here is the link if you fancy having a go. They do all kinds of outdoor activities. They are near Blyth in Nottinghamshire. I have been there, met the man, and we're ready to go. 
Anyway, make some plans and make a good life for yourself. Thanks for popping in. 
Toodle pip.   ilona

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Fantastic quilts

There are rather a lot of photo's here of the Quilt Show at Wetherby. I went a bit click crazy. Words are not needed, all you have to do is scroll through them. I have included some close ups, so you can see the perfect stitching. I think you will agree, they are pretty fantastic. These works of art should be in an Art Gallery. 

You've seen the photo's, now you can see the movie. 

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona