Friday 30 June 2023

New plants - new coffee to try

I went to Linden Nurseries this afternoon. It's a smallish garden centre at Appleby near Scunthorpe. I like this place because it is family owned and they have a good selection of quality plants. The staff are very helpful and friendly. 
This is what I bought. I wanted some small plants to make soft pots for them with the kit I bought from the Leeds Food Festival. I bought some bigger plants to put in the empty pots I have. The blue pot was half price. 

On the way back I went to Morrisons. I don't go there very often, it's at the other side of town. I wanted to buy coffee. I've marked the prices on so that readers in other parts of the world can see how much it is here. The jars and tins are 200 grams. 

If you read your own meters, do it now and send it to your utilities provider. The price is going down tomorrow. Thanks for popping in. Have a good weekend. Toodle pip.   ilona


I see the Unknowns have been busy overnight. Two comments probably from the same person. Sad really. Gotta feel sorry for them. If anyone else is bothered by trolls, banish them to the bin. Don't put up with the shit they spout. 

What a lot of nonsense, why don’t you just refuse to make eye contact and keep walking. These people are probably on very low wages and this is one way they can earn a bit extra, do of course they are going to be trying very hard to engage you

Stop complaining and just keep walking .

I’m not surprised to find out you don’t believe there is a climate crisis, considering all the nutters you follow on social media. Looking after yourself and living the life you like is a good idea, but believing in and promoting misinformation about global warming tells me you don’t really care for anyone.

Strawberries and yoghurt for breakfast. Need to eat them now. 
Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona

Thursday 29 June 2023

Nail on the head.

Listen to every word from Melanie Philips. 
If you want a longer version try this interview. 
King Charles and the Future of Britain. 
If you are not sure what is going on, learn something new this weekend. 
An outspoken British journalist with a reputation for fierce and honest opinions, Melanie Phillips offers cut-through commentary on a number of significant cultural and geopolitical issues. She and John discuss the coronation of Charles III, and the cultural problems gripping the UK.
Toodle pip.   ilona

All under control

 Don't worry, the Mayor of London has everything under control. Helped by his friend the King, between them they will sort this climate crisis out once and for all. The clock is ticking, the countdown begins. Six years and 24 days to the 2030 deadline. 

Today with His Majesty King Charles III we launched the Climate Clock—a visual reminder of the urgency of the climate crisis. The climate emergency poses a threat not only to the future of our city but to the future of our world and that is why it must remain a key priority.

When the pot holes are not repaired because they don't want you to drive your car. When the barriers are up and the roads are blocked because they don't want you moving about. When the petrol pumps run dry. When you can't afford to put your heating on. When farmland is being bought up and turned into housing estates. When Universal Basic Income comes in and you don't have to go to work. When you have to get permission from the Bank of England to access your money. When you are so ill you have to beg for more drugs. When the next generation become infertile because they have been sold the Transition dream. When gas, water, and electricity become a precious commodity that not everyone will be able to afford. When the Government are on a path to destroy the economy. 

Don't worry, it will all come right in the end if we all play our part and sacrifice everything we have come to regard as a normal lifestyle. 

The solution to all this? Look after your own physical and mental health. When you know what's going on you have the tools to design your own life. Don't be pushed, don't be shoved around. 

A sunny start to the day. I will enjoy it. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona

Wednesday 28 June 2023

No thank you, not joining in. (edited)

I started to write a blog post about this, then changed my mind, and made a video instead. 

 I was accosted by two young men at the exit door of Aldi yesterday. There was no escape route to avoid their determination to sell me their charity. They had a little desk, and a form to fill out, with a pen at the ready. 

Now I think The Air Ambulance do a wonderful job, and I have supported them in the past, but now I cannot because they can't/wont accept cash donations. This is the way most big charities are going now. One of the young men pushed the direct debit option very hard. The more people try and push me in one direction, the more I rebel. 


Nigel Farage has had his bank accounts closed by his bank. No explanation. They don't want him as a customer any more. He talks about it here.  So it can happen. 

I have not been doing enough walking lately. I am noticing I have the beginnings of a podgy belly. This morning I cut my time down at the coffee morning and only had an hour, and I didn't have any cake. I went in my walking gear so I could go straight out of the village on my usual footpath. It was warm and breezy, perfect for a walk. I sat on the bench, a white horse came by. 
I have put a shout out for somebody to bring a mower and get the grass cut. It is getting quite difficult to wade through it. 
The three hedgehogs are still coming every night. As soon as it starts getting dark the first one arrives, then two more follow. 
That's all for now. Toodle pip.   ilona

Tuesday 27 June 2023

Just a thought.

 I was chatting to a neighbour the other day, she was telling me they are soon to move away. The furniture has already been sent up north in a van and is now in storage. Their rented house is almost empty. A few loose ends to tidy up and they will be away. I asked where they are moving to. Shetland she replied. Blimey that's a long way away. 

Their furniture is at the halfway point in Aberdeen. The plan is to drive their car to Shetland, hire a van, and collect the furniture. I asked, how come you are moving so far away. Her husband has been looking for a job for ages, not much luck around here. He applied for a Postie's job on Shetland, and got it. Wow, what an exciting time for them. 

What an amazing thing to do, I thought. I have been to Orkney so know what the landscape is like that far north. If truth be known I am slightly envious of them. Up sticks and go is something I used to do. 

At 18 I moved to Blackpool. I lived in Birmingham for a while, then went back home, then back to Blackpool again. I lived in Majorca for three months, that didn't work out so I came back. I bought my first house at 27, a small terrace. Changed it for a semi, still in my hometown. Then moved 100 miles to where I am now. 

Driving trucks has satisfied my wanderlust. For quite a few years there was no need to move house. All I needed was a base to sleep after twelve hour days of tramping around the UK, with the occasional trip into Europe. Some of the work took me away from my pile of bricks and mortar Monday to Friday, the cab was my home. 

Now, when I hear of  people moving house and going to a new area, it makes me feel like I am stuck. Yes, I could probably do the same if I really wanted to, but it seems a bit crazy because I would have to start paying rent, unless I did a straight swap. I am not going to get a mortgage at my age, nor would I want to. 

I have gone through the mill over the years regarding being skint several times, especially when moving house. I have always hated the phrase 'settling down', to me that is like a death sentence. But after 22 years in this house I suppose you could say I am settled down. 

If I was younger I would consider moving. Our island is filling up fast. Big wide open spaces away from the maddening crowd are very appealing to me. Just a thought.

Enjoy your Tuesday. I must go shopping my fridge is bare. 

Toodle pip.   ilona

Monday 26 June 2023

Lincolnshire Show - the flowers

One really big marquee had all the floral arrangements on show. They were well spread out so there was  plenty of room to view the exhibits and take photo's. Many hours, days, or even weeks have gone into these stunning displays. 

I see that coloured paper was also used to complement the flowers in some of the displays. A very unusual clock design. 
Interesting how the insides of a very large watch was constructed. The smaller clock face blends into the background perfectly. 

Some of the upright exhibits had a black cloth behind them. Unfortunately you can see right through it, which spoils the photo's somewhat.  

The abstract arty pieces are my favourites. 

They didn't all have flowers. Other materials were used in some unusual creations. 

A picture frame, some balls of wool, and a plastic ring. Simple but very effective. 

These next exhibits lay flat on the plinth. Such detail is astounding. Reminds me of the stones that I covered with felt and embroidery, on a much smaller scale. They also remind me of Nikki Parmenter's work. A textile artist I very much admire. Take a look at her website and you will know what I mean. 

I spent a good hour in this tent, admiring the creative talents of the artists. If you click on a picture it will bring up a slide show. 
Now I'm going to do a litter pick. I noticed that the village looks a bit scruffy after the weekend events. Needs a tidy up.
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona

Cuteness overload

Hello. Crafty Club this morning. I'll just whack this one out before I go. It was posted by June, on Twitter. A  funny lady with loads of common sense.  

Catch ya later.  ilona

Sunday 25 June 2023

Lincolnshire Show - the people

Good morning. Another sunny start to the day. Here I am bright and bushy tailed after standing around all day yesterday at the Summer Fair, and doing a dog walk. A good nights sleep works wonders for me. 
Let's catch up on the Thursday visit to the Lincolnshire Show. I could go to an event, walk around all day by myself, and not speak to anyone, but I don't. My middle name is gasbag, I will talk to anyone. So for me it's all about the people I meet, asking questions, finding out about why they are there, and what they do. I also like to contribute to the conversations by adding my own little stories. 
This is Shaun. I asked him about the equipment they carry on the vehicle, what it is used for, and the types of emergencies they are called out to. He has a full time job and can be called out to attend an incident via the pager he carries. He talked about the checks they make on the equipment. Every piece has an exclusive stock number, so they go through it all on a regular basis to make sure nothing is missing, and they have what they need when going to a shout out. 

I had to speak to the Red Arrows team, as I follow them on Twitter. These are the engineers who look after the aircraft. They agreed that it was a good choice of career for them. I am always pleased when people say they love their job, it is so important. 
More happy smiley faces. We talked about the importance of looking after yourself with a good diet and plenty of exercise. They were interested in my long distance walks, and the 1000 miles a year challenge. Have you noticed how I gravitate towards young good looking men, ha ha. 😜

The owner of this magnificent beast talked about his passion.

I can't tell you much about this aircraft, I was more interested in how it was actually transported to the showground. With my interest in heavy haulage I wondered if the yellow support frame and the jockey wheel would be removed, thus reducing the travelling height. No, they said. It sits as it is on a low loader which has to be hired for the job. They said it can travel on a motorway. The bridges on motorways have to be 16-6 high. So there you go. Interesting. 
Look at this gorgeous beast. Imagine sitting high up in that cab, and look at the width of that harvesting machine. I remember the first time I started thinking about becoming a lorry driver. What would it be like to sit high up in a cab? Now I am thinking I would love to have a drive of this mighty machine. 

The lads on the Iveco stand were very chatty. Can I sit in your cab please mister. Did I really drive a vehicle of this size for all those years? This one is fully automatic, no clutch, no gear stick. That would take some getting used to after wrestling with a twin splitter gear box in an ERF. Massive cab size, two bunks with plenty of headroom. Not sure I like the wrap around dashboard though. There is often a need to step across from the drivers seat into the passenger side when waiting to load/unload. 
I will be back tomorrow with lots and lots of flower pics. Do pop in if you have time. 

Toodle pip.   ilona

Saturday 24 June 2023

The Summer Fair.

A day on my feet in the hot sunshine. I was wilting. That's another Summer Fair done and dusted. Not as busy as previous years. People walking around and chatting, but not buying much. Spose they are having to cut down like everybody else. 
The refreshment tent had a steady stream of customers. 

Now I'm going to take Billy dog out. It's nearly 8pm and it has cooled down. 

Catch ya tomorrow, Toodle pip.   ilona

Quickie post - vid from the show.

I'm going to be busy for the rest of the day. Here's a video from the Lincolnshire Show to be going on with. 
It's a sunny start this morning and a big village event is taking place. Have a good weekend whatever you are doing. Get outside if you can. Catch ya later. Toodle pip.  ilona

Friday 23 June 2023

Lincolnshire Show - the animals

Time for a snooze. This show is mighty busy. People keep stroking my face. 
Little piggies snuggle together. 

Oink oink. Go away, I am sleeping.

I don't know how I have become so fat. 

Look at my gorgeous curly horn. Ain't I handsome. 
Spotted sheep. The owner was nearby so I asked her if she uses the fleece. She does, she makes rugs with it. If the fleece comes off in one big piece she can preserve the splodges. Sometimes she separates the black and white. She also uses it for needle felting. 

Yum, lunch time. 

The judges mingle with the cows and their owners to pick a winner. 
Please stand up straight, we have to make a good impression. 

Oh gawd, hurry up. Watch where you are poking that thing. Stand still, got to look good for the show. 
More pics coming along. Such a lot to see and people to talk to at this massive show. 
We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.   ilona

Thursday 22 June 2023

Fun day out.

 I've had a smashing day out today at the Lincolnshire County Show. It was at the showground a few miles north of Lincoln. A bit of a shock at the pay desk to get in, £29. Chuffin heck. Next year Truckfest is coming here, yipeeee.  

Lots to see, it's a massive show. It really needs two days to see it all. Here is an advert for an event in August. I spent £22 on some lovely cheese. Took my own pack up so didn't need to buy any food. It was hot, probably too hot for the animals. Met some great people, I will chat with anyone. 

I'll get the photo's sorted out for tomorrow. There's a video coming along as well. 

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona

Wednesday 21 June 2023

I think the picture is finished.

I'm not sure if this is finished or not. I have come to a halt. No more ideas at the moment. It looks alright to me. Maybe it is finished. Acrylic paints and coloured marker pens. 
I separated the different colours with a silver pen. Then I added the bubbles to the purple bits. 

Mayze insists on being close to me.
I am ready for a day out. I also want to buy another camera. I will go to the shop soon to see what they have. Toodle pip.   ilona