Wednesday 13 January 2021

The Social Dilemma | Official Trailer

Thanks to a reader for sending me a link to this short video. It's the trailer for a Netflix film, The Social Dilemma. I don't have Netflix but I am informed that it might be available on 123 Movies for free. We are wandering blindly into the future. Our thoughts are what happens when we get back to normal. We do not go backwards, we go forwards. Be prepared. 
Now time for lunch. Bye for now.  ilona


  1. Hi Ilona. I watched this a few weeks ago - jaw dropping - I would highly recommend it. We pay for Netflix "on and off". £6 a month I think for a single "device" to watch it eg TV. Very easy to stop / start the service for a month or two at a time eg Winter / lockdown. There is quite a bit of good stuff on there but not enough for us to justify having it full-time. Heather

  2. Chilling, maybe I can make myself watch.

    1. Knowing is a lot less scary than not knowing.

  3. oh thanks will have a look tonight Louise

  4. I watched the video but didn't learn anything I didn't already know. So many people complain about "Big Brother" and Government control, but happily put themselves openly on social media sites without a second thought. They get giddy over thousands of followers who "like" them, but get depressed over the one or two that don't. Bands of people with similar likes and beliefs get to thinking "we must be right because there are so many of us" and on it goes.

    1. Exactly my point, people are addicted. Look at what happens next when people are controlled by their addiction. They hand their lives over to those who can service their addiction. We need to claim back our lives before it's too late.

    2. Like River I didn't learn anything I didn't already know after watching the video. I'm curious to know what makes you think you have your lost your life and that you need to claim it back Ilona? Those who are addicts of anything (drugs, alcohol, food etc.) can only change their habits when they choose, they can't be made to change. Many are fully aware of what is going on but choose to ignore it.

    3. Margaret, I am happy with my life, it is not lost because I am well informed. I have a good understanding about what is going on. The changes that are slowly emerging will not be noticed by many. Or they will be ignored because people can't or don't want to cope with new ways. That's fine. I am flexible and can adapt, others find it more difficult.


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