Friday, 24 April 2020

A 'happy to stay at home' day.

It's been a gorgeous day, I took my sewing outside and sat with my back to the sun. I emptied the washing basket and put it all in the machine. Two pairs of socks, 19 pairs of pants, 3 towels, 2 pairs of joggy bottoms, 1 t-shirt, 1 scarf, and 1 fleecy top. I mowed the lawn the other day and already there is a bumper crop of dandelions coming up. 
The birds are looking for food at the moment, I had some yellow sticker crusty bread which I bought for 10p six months ago. Chuck it on the lawn, they will find it.

 I sat outside with my lunch on a tray. Some of it was left overs from last nights dinner, I made too much. The cheese and humous sandwich is fresh, plus three crackers. It's wine weekend this weekend.

Do you like my huge Christmas baubles. I bought two large golden balls from the Scrapstore a few months ago, found the ideal place to hang them. They shine when the sun catches them, they shine even when there is no sun. 
My cosy den. I dozed off in there this afternoon while listening to the birds twittering. The flower beds have filled out nicely, some colour coming into the garden.

Friday night is usually when the teenagers gather in groups around the village. I don't expect to see any when I go for my walk in half an hour. One of the plus sides of this lockdown is no litter. They are not going to the shop to buy food and drink then leaving their bottles and cans all around the village, not going to the takeaway and chucking half their curry and chips on the street, and not driving to the fast food outlets at the retail park then tossing the wrappings out of the window on the way home. It's great, we have a clean village.
Happy weekend everyone. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. It sounds like you have had a great relaxing day and sometimes it is nice just to let the sunshine on us and listen to the birds singing.It has been a lovely sunny day here too.Those dandelions,that I always classed as weeds,have took on a whole new meaning to me now,since I read that they are part of the sunflower family...well I think I read it somewhere,lol.Any way,Im leaving mine now growing merrily away in my garden.They really are a beautiful colour!.Hope that the sun shines for us all again tomorrow,xxx

  2. Looking lovely, sunshine always makes the day more pleasant,I was sewing outside also.

    1. I had to put a scarf around my neck, I was getting sunburnt.

  3. It's a real tonic watching washing in a lovely warm breeze drying on the line. The baubles are brilliant.

    1. I bought the baubles not knowing what to do with them. I usually spend a few £'s at the Scrapstore because it is a charity and it helps to keep them going. They were £2 each.

  4. I love your little 'shed' or is it a summer house. It looks so pretty standing there in the sunshine. We have noticed the lack of litter too. Cars seem to be starting to fill up the roads again though. Such a pity and I may need to move somewhere a bit more rural as I am quite liking this peaceful existence.

    1. I would say my little shed is a summer house. It's warmer in there than it is in my house. I like rural. Have lived in some busy streets in my time. When I was younger it suited me to be part of the in crowd close to the buzz of town. Not now, I don't have to be part of any crowd.

  5. I had a lovely line of washing except mine were white sheet they looked loveky on the line. Your lunch look interesting it was certainly a loveky day. My D and GD came round they had brought my shopping lots of nice goodies including raspberries and some ice cream. My D works in a very small private care home (6) patients and the careers had to by tested all are ok.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  6. I like the baubles, even more I like the colourful little den.

  7. Your summer house looks great Ilona and your garden too-its much bigger than mine,I really wish I had more garden especially at the moment.You have a lot of pants there if you don't mind me saying x

  8. I love your summer house. Do you have any posts or videos about you building it?

    1. Thanks for your question. I have answered it in the next post.


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