Saturday, 25 April 2020

A question.

Not much to write about today. Sewing, trimmed a hedge, took Billy dog a walk.

Kim asked a question so I'll answer it here.

I love your summer house. Do you have any posts or videos about you building it?

There is a link under the header, How I built my summerhouse. Click on that, or click on this, it opens up a separate page with lots of photo's, from when I started to when it was finished.

Link to the blog post about the Open Gardens village event in 2017.

This video is from 2015.

An updated video from 2018.

There you go Kim, It took a while to build it so I don't have a video from start to finish, because I am no good at editing videos. I hope these links give you the info you are looking for. Happy to answer further questions. Thanks for asking.

Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Billy dog is so lucky to have you to take him for a walk!.Your summer house is still lovely and I would love to spend an afternoon in there just relaxing!.My day has been ok,after being kept awake last night with people in the street having a dance and sing song,all together,as always.Every day even when the police have spoken to them a few weeks is though the police have given up for some reason in Leicester.Anyway,I made sure I got them up this morning by banging my dustbin lid about 7 o clock am..never mind though,lol,xxx

  2. It is interesting! Thank you for posting!

  3. Good morning Ilona. Your summer house is lovely, so colourful and cheery! It reflects your positive outlook on life! Enjoy the sunny weather and have a good day 😀 x

  4. You summer house is fab, so cheerful and inviting. It seems to be wearing well.

    I have a question - do you have tips and/or tricks to keeping your morale up, or are you just a naturally sunny person? (I suspect the latter!)

    1. Hi Barbara. Thanks for the question. I'll answer it in a new post, soon.


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